S27 of ICCPB2011

 May 31 - June 5, 2011
 Organized by IACPB, JSCPB and SCJ
 Supported by the COJWE ('70)
 In cooperation with JNTO


Integrative Approach in Behavioral Neurobiology


Hiroto Ogawa (Dept. Biol. Sci., Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ.)
Hideaki Takeuchi (Dept Biol. Sci., Grad. Schl. Sci., Univ. Tokyo)

The brain is a very complex system with anatomically and functionally hierarchical structure, which consists of gene, signaling molecule, synapses, neuron, and network. To understand the brain function underlying individual behaviors, therefore, an integrative approach combining molecular biology, functional anatomy, electrophysiology, optical imaging and computational analysis is required. In this symposium, we will introduce a recent advance in various types of methods for monitoring the neural activity and for analyzing neuronal dynamics of the nervous system involved in variety of behaviors. Further we would like to introduce recent studies on neural system using various species of animals, which provide suitable materials for studies of different levels of behaviors in the neuroscience field.


1) Kotaro Kimura (Dept. Biol. Sci., Grad. Schl. Sci., Osaka Univ)
An integrative and quantitative analysis of dopamine-dependent odor avoidance behavior of the nematode C. elegans

2) Fabrizio Gabbiani (Dept. Neurosci., Baylor College of Medicine)
Collision Detection as a Model for Sensory-Motor Integration

3) Hiroto Ogawa (Dept. Biol. Sci., Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ.)
Directional-dependent plasticity in neural and behavioral responses to air currents in the cricket

4) Hideaki Takeuchi (Dept Biol. Sci., Grad. Schl. Sci., Univ. Tokyo)
Neural basis underlying female mating preference in medaka fish

5) Masanori Murayama (Brain Sci. Inst., RIKEN)
Fiberoptic Ca2+ imaging of dendrites in freely moving rats