S6 of ICCPB2011

 May 31 - June 5, 2011
 Organized by IACPB, JSCPB and SCJ
 Supported by the COJWE ('70)
 In cooperation with JNTO


New Insights into Structure/Function Relationships in Fish Gills


William K. Milsom (Professor, Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Canada )
Steven F. Perry (Professor, Department of Biology, University of Ottawa, Canada )

There have been several notable advances in studies of the structure and function of fish gills in recent years. We feel that the ICCPB meeting would be both timely and a perfect venue for the synthesis of this new work.


1) Katie Gilmour (Department of Biology, University of Ottawa,Canada )
New insights into nitrogen excretion at the gulf toadfish gill: The role of Rh glycoproteins.

2) Pat Wright (1Department of Integrative Biology, University of Guelph, Canada )
New insights into gill epithelial transport: Linking ammonia excretion and sodium uptake.

3) Scott Kelly (Department of Biology, York University Canada )
New insights into gill osmoregulation: Control of paracellular permeability.

4) Colin Brauner (Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Canada )
New insights into the role of the developing gill – gas transfer or ionic regulation?

5) Bill Milsom (Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Canada )
New insights into Gill chemoreception: Neuroepithelial cells as multi-functional O2, CO2 and ammonia sensors.