S8 of ICCPB2011

 May 31 - June 5, 2011
 Organized by IACPB, JSCPB and SCJ
 Supported by the COJWE ('70)
 In cooperation with JNTO


Conflicts & Compromises: Interfaces Between Osmoregulation and Other Physiological Systems in Fish


Suzie Currie (Mount Allison University, Canada)
Pat Wright (University of Guelph, Canada)

The theme of this symposium is the tradeoffs that occur between physiological systems in fish when homeostasis is challenged on multiple fronts. We have chosen to focus on the crossover between osmoregulation and other physiological systems because of the relatively high energetic cost of maintaining osmotic balance, the multiple tissue sites involved in fish and the intense international research interest in osmoregulation. Speakers will be challenged to consider whether there is evidence within their own research for conflict or compromise between osmoregulation and other physiological systems (e.g. respiration, acid-base balance, digestion, cellular stress, development).


1) Chris Wood (McMaster University, Canada)
Osmoregulation and digestion

2) Martin Grosell (RSMAS, University of Miami, USA)
Osmoregulation and acid-base balance

3) Patricia Schulte (University of British Columbia, Canada)
The role of alternative isoforms as an evolutionary strategy for mitigating potential conflicts between osmoregulation and other physiological systems

4) Junya Hiroi (St. Marianna University School of Medicine, Japan)
Osmoregulation and the developmental program

5) Suzie Currie (Mount Allison University, Canada)
Conflicts & compromises: TMAO as an osmolyte and chemical chaperone in elasmobranchs experiencing environmental stress