TA of ICCPB2011

 May 31 - June 5, 2011
 Organized by IACPB, JSCPB and SCJ
 Supported by the COJWE ('70)
 In cooperation with JNTO


Travel Award Session         June 3rd (14:15-16:45, room D (232))

Extended Poster Presentations by Selected Travel Grant Awardees


Masahiro Sokabe (Nagpya Univ., Japan)
Osamu Koizumi (Fukuoka Woman’s Univ., Japan)

  1. Helen Chasiotis (York Univ, CAN):Determining occludin tight junction protein function in fish gill epithelia: in vivo and in vitro approaches. (Poster 156)
  2. Andrew Esbaugh (Univ Miami, USA): The physiological response of predicted future levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide on respiratory gas exchange and acid-base balance in the gulf toadfish. (Poster 006)
  3. Dobromila Pekala (Jagiellonian Univ, POL): Orexins/hypocretins and biological clock – anatomical and physiological approach. (Poster 178)
  4. Rafał Jakub Bułdak (Silecian Med Univ, POL): The influence of cisplatin combined with extremely low- frequency electromagnetic field on antioxidative enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation in megacolonies of squamous cell carcinoma. (Poster 046)
  5. Shaun S. Killen (CNRS-Univ Montpellier, FRA): The effects of intraspecific variation in metabolic rate on tolerance to hypoxia and risk-taking behaviour in European sea bass. (Poster 010)
  6. Yoshitaka Hamanaka (Grad Univ Adv Studies, JPN): Neural components to the lamina cartridge in the butterfly, Papilio xuthus. (Poster 128)*
  7. Mitsuharu Yagi (Nagasaki Univ, JPN): Prey-predator interactions derived from energy metabolism: reconsideration of ontogenetic metabolic scaling. (Poster 195)*

* Poster papers of domestic young investigators selected by JSCPB.