Author Index of ICCPB2011

 May 31 - June 5, 2011
 Organized by IACPB, JSCPB and SCJ
 Supported by the COJWE ('70)
 In cooperation with JNTO



Abbeel, Pieter

  • S26-5 : Remote Radio Control of Insect Flight

Abe, Hideki

  • S27-4 : Neural basis underlying female mating preference in medaka fish

Adachi, Hiromi

  • P040 : A mutation in the DNA binding domain of chicken STAT5 inhibits leptin dependent signal transduction in vitro
  • P089 : Leptin modulates transcription of chicken GH gene in mammalian cells

Afonso, Luis O.B.

  • P005 : Heat shock-induced oxidative stress modulates growth-related gene expressions and redox status in coho salmon

Agata, Nobuhide

  • P018 : Effect of resistance exercise on the recovery of atrophied muscles in mice

Agata, Nobuhide

  • P019 : Passive stretch suppresses muscle atrophy in rats: effects of duration and frequency of stretch
  • P066 : Association between PI3K/Akt/TOR pathway and stretch-induced hypertrophy in primary cultured chick myotubes

Agata, Kiyokazu

  • S34-2 : How did the central nervous system evolve?

Ai, Hiroyuki

  • P114 : Two types of odor-triggered walking behaviors of honeybees controlled by classical olfactory conditioning
  • P190 : Odor-induced spatio-temporal activity patterns of synchronized potentials mediated by local interneurons in the cockroach antennal lobe
  • Y1-1 : Neural basis of general odor processing in the cockroach antennal lobe

Akiyoshi, Sakura

  • P096 : Modulation of the extracellular distribution, cellular uptake, and cellular action of phenolic compounds with thyroid hormone disrupting activity by serum proteins

Almeida-Val, Vera Maria Fonseca de

  • S31-1 : Transcriptomic studies in aquatic organisms of the Amazon: current status
  • S31-5 : Amazon fish LDH as model for studies of temperature adaptations

Amita, Hidetoshi

  • P143 : Competition viewed biologically: choice impulsivity, work cost and serotonin in domestic chicks

Ando, Hironori

  • P101 : Diurnal, circadian and monthly expressions of genes for period, arylalkylamine-N-acetyltransferase 2, and melatonin receptor in the pineal gland of grass puffer
  • S24-3 : Molecular basis of neuroendocrine control of spawning migration in grass puffer

Ando, Masaaki

  • P167 : Guanylin enhances Cl- permeability across the intestine of the eel acclimated to sea water

Ando, Motonori

  • P061 : Metamorphosis of the apostome ciliate Vampyrophrya pelagica with dynamic changes of cytoplasmic organelles during host infection

Ando, Noriyasu

  • P021 : Effect of visual stimuli on the air-puff evoked escape behavior of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus
  • P022 : Visual detection of moving objects during walking in crickets
  • P134 : Multi-sensory integration during pheromone-plume tracking of male silkworm moth, Bombyx mori
  • Y1-5 : Exploring insect adaptability with the insect-controlled robot

Ando, Toshiyuki

  • P021 : Effect of visual stimuli on the air-puff evoked escape behavior of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus
  • P022 : Visual detection of moving objects during walking in crickets

Andrade, Denis V.

  • P001 : Body temperature profile during foraging activity of Polybia (Trychothorax) ignobilis Halliday, 1836 (INSECTA, HYMENOPTERA)
  • S19-1 : Thermoregulation in a basking frog inhabiting the Espinhaco mountain range in eastern Brazil.
  • S19-5 : Thermoregulation of a viperid snake endemic of a small island at the south Atlantic of Brazil

Aoki, Naoya

  • P139 : Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNP)/TrkB signaling is activated through filial imprinting in domestic chicks (Gallus gallus domesticus)

Aonuma, Hitoshi

  • P123 : Identification and expression analysis of the biogenic amine-related genes in the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus
  • P130 : Instantaneous e-vector detection in the honeybee using an associative learning paradigm
  • P144 : Synthetic approach for understanding internal state change in subordinate cricket in fighting
  • P151 : Computational Analysis of the foraging strategy in the honeybees, Apis mellifera.

Aoyama, Masato

  • P094 : Biological roles of a species-specific orphan receptor in functional diversity of GnRH signaling via GPCR heterodimerization in the ascidian, Ciona intestinalis

Arai, Ryoichi

  • P112 : Habit formation by extended Pavlovian training in crickets

Arai, Natsumi

  • P172 : Mechanism of seasonal testicular regression in quail

Arikawa, Kentaro

  • P056 : Eye regionalization and opsin gene duplication in butterflies: the dorsal region retains basic arrangement
  • P126 : Wavelength-dependent phototactic behavior in the brown-winged green bug, Plautia stali.
  • P128 : Neural components contributing to the lamina cartridge in the butterfly, Papilio xuthus

Asahina, Kiyoshi

  • P107 : Localization of an insulin-like androgenic gland factor (IAG) in the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii

Asama, Hajime

  • P144 : Synthetic approach for understanding internal state change in subordinate cricket in fighting

Asaoka, Kiyoshi

  • P121 : "cot" is a genuine seizure mutant of the silkworm, Bombyx mori.

Asashima, Makoto

  • PL-3 : Control of organogenesis and cell differentiation in vertebrates

Aste, Nicoletta

  • P084 : Effects of fasting on AQP9 expression in the chick brain
  • P091 : Arginine-vasotocin (AVT) mRNA expression is sensitive to testosterone and estradiol in adult female Japanese quail
  • P168 : Muscular dystrophic chicken is the hypernatremia

Atomura, Susumu

  • P040 : A mutation in the DNA binding domain of chicken STAT5 inhibits leptin dependent signal transduction in vitro

Atsumi, Yusuke

  • P168 : Muscular dystrophic chicken is the hypernatremia
  • P172 : Mechanism of seasonal testicular regression in quail

Awata, Hiroko

  • P056 : Eye regionalization and opsin gene duplication in butterflies: the dorsal region retains basic arrangement

Awruch, Cynthia

  • P099 : Steroid production by maternal and embryonic tissues in a viviparous lizard demonstrate the potential for embryo-maternal signaling

Azuma, Morio

  • P100 : PACAP affects somatolactin-α and -β gene expression in cultured goldfish pituitary cells
  • S30-2 : Behavioral effect of octadecaneuropeptide and neuropeptide Y related to feeding regulation in goldfish


Baba, Yoshinobu

  • P036 : Mutual Interaction between Subepithelial Fibroblasts and Afferent Neurons via ATP and Substance-P in Intestinal Villi

Ballantyne, James S.

  • S4-1 : Decoupling membrane lipid/protein interactions: an adaptive strategy.

Bando, Tetsuya

  • S10-3 : Ancestral developmental mechanisms in insects revealed by RNAi analysis of cricket genes

Banno, Yutaka

  • P048 : Molecular machinery for the delivery of specific carotenoids to specific tissues in silkworm

Barry, James P.

  • P008 : Living on the edge: physiological compensation for environmental acidification is limited in the deep-sea urchin Allocentrotus fragilis

Battle, Andrew R

  • P189 : Lipid and lyso-lipid effects on the mechanosensitivity of co-reconsituted MscS and MscL
  • S32-1 : Membrane bilayer-mediated clustering and functional interaction of MscL, the mechanosensitive channels of large conductance from E. coli

Bell, Justin D.

  • P103 : Existence of multiple receptors for neurohypophysial hormones in cartilaginous fish.
  • P162 : Ornithine urea cycle enzymes in holocephalan elephant fish (Callorhinchus milii)
  • S1-5 : Identification and mapping of urea- and ion-transporting molecules in the kidney of cartilaginous fish

Bentley, George E.

  • P088 : RNA interference of gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone gene induces arousal in songbirds
  • S25-2 : Discovery and evolutionary history of gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (GnIH), a new key neuropeptide controlling reproduction

Berenbrink, Michael

  • S14-6 : Evolution of myoglobin molecular surface and whole organism diving capacity in mammals

Bicudo, Eduardo W. P.

  • S31-2 : Physiological acclimatization and phenotypic plasticity in indigenous populations of the Upper Rio Negro, Amazon, Brazil

Birkner, Ewa

  • P046 : The influence of cisplatin combined with extremely low- frequency electromagnetic field on antioxidative enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation in megacolonies of squamous cell carcinoma

Bisch-Knaden, Sonja

  • Y1-2 : Evolution of olfactory coding in moths: different resolutions for different needs?

Blake, Rachel E.

  • P028 : The evolution of vascular nitric oxide signalling

Blasiak, Tomasz

  • P178 : Orexins/hypocretins and biological clock - anatomical and physiological approach.

Blier, Pierre U.

  • P045 : Lipid analysis in long-living bivalves supports the membrane-pacemaker theory of aging.

Bonfim, Vanessa Maria Gomes

  • P015 : Water balance and species distribution in a frog community from Northeastern Brazil

Boratynski, Zbyszek

  • S16-2 : Inter-population variation and natural selection on metabolic traits in the bank vole, Myodes glareolus

Borg, Bertil

  • P109 : Infection by the cestode Schistocephalus solidus increases GnR H - and G T H mRN A levels in the three- spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus

Bovo, Rafael P.

  • S19-5 : Thermoregulation of a viperid snake endemic of a small island at the south Atlantic of Brazil

Brauner, Colin J.

  • S6-4 : New insights into the role of the developing gill - gas transfer or ionic regulation?

Brisebois, Jeff

  • S7-3 : A proposed novel mechanism for Na+ transport in rainbow trout gills

Brix, Kevin V.

  • P011 : Comparative Characterization of Na+ Transport in Cyprinodon variegatus variegatus and Cyprinodon variegatus hubbsi: A Model Species Complex for Studying Teleost Invasion of Freshwater

Broglio, Cristina

  • S30-1 : Neuropsychology of fish behavior and cognition

Brzek, Pawel

  • S16-4 : Physiological and molecular consequences of divergent selection for basal metabolic rate (BMR) in laboratory mice

Buck, Kurt R.

  • P008 : Living on the edge: physiological compensation for environmental acidification is limited in the deep-sea urchin Allocentrotus fragilis

Bucking, Carol

  • S8-1 : Osmoregulation and Digestion
  • S8-3 : The role of alternative isoforms as an evolutionary strategy for mitigating potential conflicts between osmoregulation and other physiological systems

Bugiak, Brandi

  • S7-4 : Models of anterior gut alkalinisation of the Aedes aegypti mosquito midgut: new pH regulatory paradigms

Buldak, Rafal Jakub

  • P046 : The influence of cisplatin combined with extremely low- frequency electromagnetic field on antioxidative enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation in megacolonies of squamous cell carcinoma

Butler, Patrick J

  • PL-2 : From the laboratory to the field: the physiology of wild animals


Cameron, Melissa S.

  • P028 : The evolution of vascular nitric oxide signalling
  • P042 : Endothelial nitric oxide synthase and vascular nitric oxide signalling in amphibians

Campbell, Kevin L.

  • S14-4 : 'Resurrection' and structure-function analysis of extinct hemoglobin phenotypes: new life for ancient DNA
  • S14-6 : Evolution of myoglobin molecular surface and whole organism diving capacity in mammals

Caneppele, Danilo

  • P092 : The brain-pituitary axis in Steindachneridion parahybae (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae) females when reproductive migration is blocked

Careau, Vincent

  • S16-3 : Links between activity, exploratory behavior, and energy metabolism: lessons from planned and unplanned artificial selection experiments

Carvalho, Jose Eduardo de

  • S19-3 : Metabolic Depression and Seasonal Patterns of Activity in Brazilian Amphibians and Reptiles

Castro, Nayara

  • S31-5 : Amazon fish LDH as model for studies of temperature adaptations

Chang, Wei-Jen

  • P157 : The regulatory redundancy of Na+ absorption in zebrafish
  • S7-1 : Functional regulation of acid secretion in zebrafish during acclimation to acidic environment

Chang, Min-Hwang

  • P166 : Ion transporters involved in excretion of Ca2+ , SO42- , B(OH)4- , and Mg2+ by seawater fish

Chasiotis, Helen

  • P156 : Determining occludin tight junction protein function in fish gill epithelia: in vivo and in vitro approaches


  • S10-5 : RNAi studies in insects in China

CHEN, Jing

  • S10-5 : RNAi studies in insects in China

Cheng, Chao-Min

  • S32-4 : Probing Sensory Nerve Mechanotransduction via Localized Elastomeric Matrix Perturbation

Cheng, Xuebo

  • P137 : Transmembrane protein VSD is required for axon crossing for the formation of central complex

Cheviron, Zachary A.

  • S14-5 : Altitudinal differentiation in hemoglobin function in birds and small mammals

Chiel, Hillel

  • S26-1 : Environment, Locomotion and Sensor Structure Interact to Structure Odor-tracking Behavior.

Chiken, Satomi

  • P085 : Dopamine D1 receptor modulates neurotransmission through the basal ganglia

Chow, Billy KC

  • S25-4 : Analysis of VPAC and secretin receptors in vertebrates: its implications on molecular and functional evolution of the secretin receptor family

Chowdhury, Vishwajit S.

  • S25-2 : Discovery and evolutionary history of gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (GnIH), a new key neuropeptide controlling reproduction

Chrzascik, Katarzyna M.

  • S16-6 : Correlated responses to a multidirectional artificial selection in the bank vole, Myodes glareolus

Conlon, J. Michael

  • S25-1 : Identification and functional characterization of novel neuropeptides: from frogs to humans

Contera, Sonia Antoranz

  • S32-1 : Membrane bilayer-mediated clustering and functional interaction of MscL, the mechanosensitive channels of large conductance from E. coli

Cooper, C.A.

  • S6-2 : New insights into gill epithelial transport: Linking ammonia excretion and sodium uptake

Cortie, Colin

  • S4-5 : Changes in Membrane Phospholipid Composition in Mammalian Tissues with Body Mass and a Potential Secret of Cardiolipin.

Costentin, Jean

  • S25-1 : Identification and functional characterization of novel neuropeptides: from frogs to humans

Currie, Suzanne

  • S8-5 : Conflicts and compromises: TMAO as an osmolyte and chemical chaperone in dogfish red blood cells experiencing environmental stress

Cutler, Christopher P.

  • S1-3 : Characterization of aquaporin 8 isoform expression in eel (Anguilla sp.) intestine

Czajkowska, Magdalena

  • P047 : A novel functional polymorphism in the fatty acid desaturase 2 gene (Fads2): possible role in basal metabolic rate


Dabes, Lucianne

  • P015 : Water balance and species distribution in a frog community from Northeastern Brazil

Day, Marcqwon

  • S1-3 : Characterization of aquaporin 8 isoform expression in eel (Anguilla sp.) intestine

Dearing, M. Denise

  • S20-2 : Transcending Plant‐Herbivore Interactions in the Time of Omes

Deaton, Lewis E.

  • P013 : The effect of calcimimetics on hypo-osmotic volume regulation in bivalves.

Denil, Nurdiyana Ahmad

  • P081 : Primary taste neurons of Japanese sea catfish, Plotosus japonicus: morphology and organization in the ganglia.

Desuo, Ivan C.

  • P001 : Body temperature profile during foraging activity of Polybia (Trychothorax) ignobilis Halliday, 1836 (INSECTA, HYMENOPTERA)

Devlin, Robert H.

  • P005 : Heat shock-induced oxidative stress modulates growth-related gene expressions and redox status in coho salmon

Dheyongera, Geoffrey

  • S16-6 : Correlated responses to a multidirectional artificial selection in the bank vole, Myodes glareolus

Doi, Hiroyuki

  • P101 : Diurnal, circadian and monthly expressions of genes for period, arylalkylamine-N-acetyltransferase 2, and melatonin receptor in the pineal gland of grass puffer
  • P166 : Ion transporters involved in excretion of Ca2+ , SO42- , B(OH)4- , and Mg2+ , and Mg 2+ by seawater fish

Domenici, Paolo

  • P010 : The effects of intraspecific variation in metabolic rate on tolerance to hypoxia and risk-taking behaviour in European sea bass

Donald, John A.

  • P028 : The evolution of vascular nitric oxide signalling
  • P042 : Endothelial nitric oxide synthase and vascular nitric oxide signalling in amphibians
  • P103 : Existence of multiple receptors for neurohypophysial hormones in cartilaginous fish.
  • P162 : Ornithine urea cycle enzymes in holocephalan elephant fish (Callorhinchus milii)
  • S1-5 : Identification and mapping of urea- and ion-transporting molecules in the kidney of cartilaginous fish

Dymowska, Agnieszka

  • S7-3 : A proposed novel mechanism for Na+ transport in rainbow trout gills


Ebara, Kazuya

  • P043 : Cloning and comparison of genes for dTTP synthesizing enzymes from Geobacillus bacteria.

Ebihara, Shizufumi

  • P171 : Opsin 5 as a deep brain photoreceptive molecule to regulate seasonal reproduction.

Ellington, W. Ross

  • P049 : Multiple phosphagen kinases from the cnidarian Nematostella vectensis.

Else, Paul L

  • S4-5 : Changes in Membrane Phospholipid Composition in Mammalian Tissues with Body Mass and a Potential Secret of Cardiolipin.

Endoh, Yousuke

  • P043 : Cloning and comparison of genes for dTTP synthesizing enzymes from Geobacillus bacteria.

Esbaugh, Andrew

  • P006 : The physiological response of predicted future levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide on respiratory gas exchange and acid-base balance in the gulf toadfish.
  • P007 : Gastrointestinal response of the gulf toadfish (Opsanus beta) to respiratory acidosis induced by imminent projected oceanic carbon dioxide concentrations

Eterovick, Paula C.

  • S19-1 : Thermoregulation in a basking frog inhabiting the Espinhaco mountain range in eastern Brazil.


Fago, Angela

  • S14-5 : Altitudinal differentiation in hemoglobin function in birds and small mammals

Farmer, CG

  • S5-1 : Unidirectional airflow in the lungs of alligators and birds

Fong, Angelina Y.

  • S5-3 : Chemoreceptor control of breathing in reptiles

Forsyth, V. Trevor

  • S32-1 : Membrane bilayer-mediated clustering and functional interaction of MscL, the mechanosensitive channels of large conductance from E. coli

Fotowat, Haleh

  • S27-2 : Collision Detection as a Model for Sensory-Motor Integration

Frappell, Peter

  • S12-5 : Breathing in the minuscule newborn marsupial: size matters

Frederiksen, Rikard

  • S23-1 : Signal, noise and information in the photoreceptors of a nocturnal bee

Fujimoto, Hirofumi

  • P048 : Molecular machinery for the delivery of specific carotenoids to specific tissues in silkworm

Fujimoto, Zui

  • S28-5 : Structural Analysis of Hemolymph Juvenile Hormone Binding Protein of Silkworm, Bombyx mori

Fujita, Susumu

  • P021 : Effect of visual stimuli on the air-puff evoked escape behavior of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus
  • P022 : Visual detection of moving objects during walking in crickets

Fujiwara, Akira

  • P168 : Muscular dystrophic chicken is the hypernatremia

Fujiwara, Shingo

  • P193 : Chemosensory explanation for intraspecific tolerance in a supercolony-forming ant

Fujiwara, Terufumi

  • P079 : High concentration pheromone specific spike suppression of antennal lobe projection neurons

Fujiwara-Tsujii, Nao

  • P193 : Chemosensory explanation for intraspecific tolerance in a supercolony-forming ant

Fujiyama, Rie

  • P038 : Signaling pathway in extracellular calcium sensing of frog parathyroid cells

Fukada, Yoshitaka

  • P177 : Mediobasal hypothalamus transmits the time of feeding to locomotor activity
  • S22-2 : Light-dependent Regulation of Chick Pineal Gene Expression and its Role in the Circadian System
  • P181 : UV-sensitive non-visual photopigment in mammals.

Fukano, Takashi

  • P065 : Physiological study of ascidian tail muscle

Fukumitsu, Yuki

  • P138 : L-DOPA treatment of adult female Aedes albopictus mosquitoes suggests a relationship between blood-feeding activity and dopamine level

Fukuta, Naomi

  • P055 : Evolution of Thermosensor TRPV3 Channels: Opposite Temperature Sensitivity between Mammals and Western Clawed Frogs

Furukawa, Aya

  • P106 : Effects of Bisphenol A-exposure on the gene expression of culture neuron BG2-c6

Furukawa, Yasuo

  • P075 : Molecular cloning and expression of the precursor gene of a D-Trp-containing neuropeptide, NdWFamide, in the ganglia of Aplysia kurodai.
  • P076 : Electrostatic charge at position 552 of FMRFamide-gated Na+ channel affects channel activation and rectification
  • P077 : Increased systemic level of angiotensin II promotes adult hippocampal neurogenesis
  • P117 : Brain loci involved in object discrimination learning in mudskipper
  • P118 : Do mudskippers tell their right from left?

Furuya, Keigo

  • P039 : DNA binding properties of a bHLH transcription factor fused with green fluorescent protein

Furuya, Kishio

  • P033 : Mechanical stress facilitates wound healing in keratinocytes
  • P035 : Cell stretch and deformation induce ATP release from A549 alveolar cells
  • P036 : Mutual Interaction between Subepithelial Fibroblasts and Afferent Neurons via ATP and Substance-P in Intestinal Villi

Furuya, Sonoko

  • P036 : Mutual Interaction between Subepithelial Fibroblasts and Afferent Neurons via ATP and Substance-P in Intestinal Villi


Gabbiani, Fabrizio

  • S27-2 : Collision Detection as a Model for Sensory-Motor Integration

Gabriela, Hermitte

  • P027 : GABAergic regulation of the cardiac response to visual danger stimuli in the crab Chasmagnathus. Localization and structure of the cardiac ganglion.

Gamperl, A. Kurt

  • S8-5 : Conflicts and compromises: TMAO as an osmolyte and chemical chaperone in dogfish red blood cells experiencing environmental stress

Garren, Madeleine V.

  • S21-2 : Circadian regulation of olfactory learning and memory in the cockroach

Gebczynski, Andrzej

  • S16-4 : Physiological and molecular consequences of divergent selection for basal metabolic rate (BMR) in laboratory mice

Gerlai, Robert T.

  • S30-4 : Quantitavie characterization of zebrafish behavior: Learning performance and fear responses

Gilmour, KM

  • S6-1 : New insights into nitrogen excretion at the gulf toadfish gill: The role of Rh glycoproteins

Gima, Yuki

  • P125 : Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase in the Central Nervous System of Mollusk

Goehausen, Nimbus

  • S26-5 : Remote Radio Control of Insect Flight

Gomes, Guilherme

  • P001 : Body temperature profile during foraging activity of Polybia (Trychothorax) ignobilis Halliday, 1836 (INSECTA, HYMENOPTERA)

Gomes, Fernando Ribeiro

  • S19-4 : Geographical distribution and physiological evolution of anurans

Gong, Haiyun

  • P110 : Time to egg-laying: A new model of time-based memory in Drosophila
  • P120 : The Novel Long non-coding RNA nc97 regulates Drosophila Locomotion
  • P137 : Transmembrane protein VSD is required for axon crossing for the formation of central complex

Gong, Zhefeng

  • P110 : Time to egg-laying: A new model of time-based memory in Drosophila
  • P120 : The Novel Long non-coding RNA nc97 regulates Drosophila Locomotion
  • P137 : Transmembrane protein VSD is required for axon crossing for the formation of central complex
  • S33-4 : Two pairs of neurons control Drosophila larval light preference

Goss, Greg G.

  • P170 : Silver nanoparticles inhibit gill sodium transport in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).
  • S7-3 : A proposed novel mechanism for Na+ transport in rainbow trout gills
  • S7-4 : Models of anterior gut alkalinisation of the Aedes aegypti mosquito midgut: new pH regulatory paradigms

Gowarzewski, Marcin

  • P046 : The influence of cisplatin combined with extremely low- frequency electromagnetic field on antioxidative enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation in megacolonies of squamous cell carcinoma

Grage, Stephan L.

  • S32-1 : Membrane bilayer-mediated clustering and functional interaction of MscL, the mechanosensitive channels of large conductance from E. coli

Grand, Fabienne Le

  • S4-4 : Cardiolipin and Plasmalogens in Marine Mollusk Bivalves - Contributions to Resistance and Adaptation to Prevailing Environmental Conditions.

Gray, David A.

  • P063 : A role for pro-inflammatory cytokines, but not prostaglandin E2 in avian fever

Grosell, Martin

  • P006 : The physiological response of predicted future levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide on respiratory gas exchange and acid-base balance in the gulf toadfish.
  • P007 : Gastrointestinal response of the gulf toadfish (Opsanus beta) to respiratory acidosis induced by imminent projected oceanic carbon dioxide concentrations
  • P011 : Comparative Characterization of Na+ Transport in Cyprinodon variegatus variegatus and Cyprinodon variegatus hubbsi: A Model Species Complex for Studying Teleost Invasion of Freshwater
  • S8-1 : Osmoregulation and Digestion

Grygorczyk, Ryszard

  • P035 : Cell stretch and deformation induce ATP release from A549 alveolar cells

Guo, Chao

  • S33-4 : Two pairs of neurons control Drosophila larval light preference

Gomez, Antonia

  • S30-1 : Neuropsychology of fish behavior and cognition


Haertlein, Michael

  • S32-1 : Membrane bilayer-mediated clustering and functional interaction of MscL, the mechanosensitive channels of large conductance from E. coli

Haibara, Hirotaka

  • P108 : Preparation of a recombinant Armadillidium vulgare androgenic gland hormone with a glycan moiety

Hamada, Shun

  • P071 : Searching for the genes related to the nerve net formation in hydra
  • P072 : Expression pattern of hydra synapsin indicates heterogeneity of synapses in the diffuse nervous system
  • S34-1 : Origin and evolution of the nervous system viewed from the diffuse nervous system: Nerve ring of cnidarians

Hamaguchi-Hamada, Kayoko

  • P072 : Expression pattern of hydra synapsin indicates heterogeneity of synapses in the diffuse nervous system

Hamanaka, Yoshitaka

  • P128 : Neural components contributing to the lamina cartridge in the butterfly, Papilio xuthus

Hamasaka, Yasutaka

  • S21-3 : Molecular approach to understand circadian mating behavior of Drosophila

Hamasaki, Sawako

  • P077 : Increased systemic level of angiotensin II promotes adult hippocampal neurogenesis

Hansson, Bill S.

  • S33-5 : Neural circuits underlying olfactory coding in the Drosophila antennal lobe
  • Y1-2 : Evolution of olfactory coding in moths: different resolutions for different needs?

Harada, Tetsuo

  • P002 : How does weather affect the resistance to temperature change and also components of saturated/unsaturated fatty acids in the oceanic sea skaters, Halobates?
  • P014 : Tolerance to brackish and fresh water bodies as habitat in oceanic sea skaters of Halobates (Heteroptera: Gerridae)

Haraguchi, Shogo

  • S24-2 : Involvement of multiple hormones in the newt reproductive behavior

Hasegawa, Kazuya

  • P051 : Exercise downregulates mTORC1 pathway through REDD1 expression in rat skeletal muscle

Hasegawa, Yuriko

  • P107 : Localization of an insulin-like androgenic gland factor (IAG) in the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii

Hasunuma, Itaru

  • S24-2 : Involvement of multiple hormones in the newt reproductive behavior

Hatano, Ai

  • P112 : Habit formation by extended Pavlovian training in crickets

Hatori, Megumi

  • P180 : Comprehensive analysis of the central projections of melanopsin-expressing ganglion cells in mice
  • S22-3 : Light reception in rodent retinal ganglion cells and its role in the clockwork

Hatta, Kohei

  • P083 : X-ray micro-tomography for observation of three-dimensional structure of the zebrafish brain with single cell resolution

Hattori, Atsuhiko

  • P101 : Diurnal, circadian and monthly expressions of genes for period, arylalkylamine-N-acetyltransferase 2, and melatonin receptor in the pineal gland of grass puffer
  • S24-3 : Molecular basis of neuroendocrine control of spawning migration in grass puffer

Haupt, Stephan Shuichi

  • P079 : High concentration pheromone specific spike suppression of antennal lobe projection neurons
  • P114 : Two types of odor-triggered walking behaviors of honeybees controlled by classical olfactory conditioning
  • P149 : Towards the Whole Brain Simulation of the Insect Olfactory System
  • P153 : Direct verification of the turn generator model for pheromone orientation
  • S26-2 : A single sex pheromone receptor determines chemical response specificity of sexual behavior in the silkmoth Bombyx mori
  • S26-3 : Neuroinformatics in Invertebrate: Neuromodeling of insect sensory motor system
  • Y1-1 : Neural basis of general odor processing in the cockroach antennal lobe
  • Y1-3 : Sugar perception and plasticity in antennal system of the honey bee

Hayakawa, Kimihide

  • P019 : Passive stretch suppresses muscle atrophy in rats: effects of duration and frequency of stretch
  • P066 : Association between PI3K/Akt/TOR pathway and stretch-induced hypertrophy in primary cultured chick myotubes
  • S32-2 : Cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in sensing mechanical stimuli

Hayakawa, Masashi Mark

  • P060 : Comparison of morphology and surface characteristics of zoochlorella in various host organisms including protozoans and invertebrates

Hayase, Tomoko

  • P118 : Do mudskippers tell their right from left?

Hayashi, Fumio

  • P182 : Light induces lipid-raft-based molecular interactions in retinal disc membrane.

Hayashi, Genta

  • P124 : Chemotactic response of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans to sodium acetate was enhanced by pre-exposure to the same chemical

Hayashi, Naoko

  • P166 : Ion transporters involved in excretion of Ca2+ , SO42- , B(OH)4- , and Mg2+ by seawater fish

Hefetz, Abraham

  • P193 : Chemosensory explanation for intraspecific tolerance in a supercolony-forming ant

Heuer, Rachael

  • P006 : The physiological response of predicted future levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide on respiratory gas exchange and acid-base balance in the gulf toadfish.
  • P007 : Gastrointestinal response of the gulf toadfish (Opsanus beta) to respiratory acidosis induced by imminent projected oceanic carbon dioxide concentrations

Higashi, Seigo

  • P193 : Chemosensory explanation for intraspecific tolerance in a supercolony-forming ant

Hikiba, Juri

  • P105 : The molecular basis of cholesterol uptake system in an insect steroidogenic organ prothoracic gland

Hildebrand, John G.

  • PL-4 : Learning from Insect Brains: Explorations of a 'Simple' Olfactory System

Himi, Toshiyuki

  • P119 : The characteristics of Hatano high- and low-avoidance rats as a model for developmental disorder

Hirabayashi, Kazuki

  • P108 : Preparation of a recombinant Armadillidium vulgare androgenic gland hormone with a glycan moiety

Hiraguchi, Tetsutaro

  • P191 : Putative integration cite between taste and olfaction imformation in the blowfly, Phormia regina
  • P192 : Comparison of feeding suppression effect by new peptides in blowfly, Phormia regina.

Hirasawa, Hajime

  • P185 : A proton-mediated negative feedback effect on response dynamics of H1 and H2 horizontal cells
  • P186 : Mechanisms of proton negative feedback of H3 type horizontal cells in fish retina

Hirashima, Daisuke

  • P113 : Sensory preconditioning in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus: Associations between neutral sensory stimuli

Hirata, Hiroaki

  • P034 : Force-induced accumulation of adhesion-related proteins around anchored actin filaments in HeLa cell extract

Hirayama, Haruna

  • P168 : Muscular dystrophic chicken is the hypernatremia

Hiroi, Junya

  • S8-4 : Osmoregulation & the Developmental Program

Hirose, Shigehisa

  • P161 : Morphological and functional characteristics of a novel Na + /K + -ATPase-immunoreactive, follicle-like structure in the gill septum of Japanese banded houndshark, Triakis scyllium
  • P166 : Ion transporters involved in excretion of Ca2+ , SO42- , B(OH)4- , and Mg2+ by seawater fish

Hirose, Takashi

  • P188 : The chemical sensitivities and expression of cold-sensitive ion channels in sensory neurons of the persistently inflamed rat

Hirunagi, Kanjun

  • P171 : Opsin 5 as a deep brain photoreceptive molecule to regulate seasonal reproduction.

Hisatomi, Osamu

  • P039 : DNA binding properties of a bHLH transcription factor fused with green fluorescent protein

Hoffmann, Klaus H.

  • S10-2 : Using RNA interference in analyzing the role of juvenile hormone in insect reproduction

Holt, Stephen A.

  • S32-1 : Membrane bilayer-mediated clustering and functional interaction of MscL, the mechanosensitive channels of large conductance from E. coli

Homma, Koichi J.

  • P139 : Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNP)/TrkB signaling is activated through filial imprinting in domestic chicks (Gallus gallus domesticus)

Honda, Naoko

  • P048 : Molecular machinery for the delivery of specific carotenoids to specific tissues in silkworm

Honji, Renato M.

  • P092 : The brain-pituitary axis in Steindachneridion parahybae (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae) females when reproductive migration is blocked

Hori, Manabu

  • P067 : The role of the outer dynein arm light chain 1 in regulation of the ciliary movements in Paramecium tetraurelia

Hori, Michio

  • S29-5 : Lateral difference in hunting behavior in the scale-eating cichlid fish, Perissodus microlepis in Lake Tanganyika

Horie, Takeo

  • P065 : Physiological study of ascidian tail muscle

Horii, Yasuyuki

  • P119 : The characteristics of Hatano high- and low-avoidance rats as a model for developmental disorder

Horng, Jiun-Lin

  • S7-1 : Functional regulation of acid secretion in zebrafish during acclimation to acidic environment

Hosho, Eri

  • P140 : Effects of various stresses on Behavior and Intracerebral Monoamine Contents in Chicks

Hotokezaka, Hitoshi

  • P038 : Signaling pathway in extracellular calcium sensing of frog parathyroid cells

Huang, Kerwyn Casey

  • S32-1 : Membrane bilayer-mediated clustering and functional interaction of MscL, the mechanosensitive channels of large conductance from E. coli

Hulbert, A.J.

  • S4-6 : Membrane lipids and longevity: insights from vertebrates and invertebrates

Humphries, Murray

  • S16-3 : Links between activity, exploratory behavior, and energy metabolism: lessons from planned and unplanned artificial selection experiments

Hung, Carrie

  • S31-4 : Changes in gene expression during hypoxia and starvation in fish

Hwang, Pung-Pung

  • P109 : Infection by the cestode Schistocephalus solidus increases GnR H - and G T H mRN A levels in the three- spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus
  • P157 : The regulatory redundancy of Na+ absorption in zebrafish
  • P164 : A Cl- channel, CLC2b, is involved in Cl- uptake mechanism in zebrafish
  • S7-1 : Functional regulation of acid secretion in zebrafish during acclimation to acidic environment

Hyodo, Susumu

  • P103 : Existence of multiple receptors for neurohypophysial hormones in cartilaginous fish.
  • P161 : Morphological and functional characteristics of a novel Na + /K + -ATPase-immunoreactive, follicle-like structure in the gill septum of Japanese banded houndshark, Triakis scyllium
  • P162 : Ornithine urea cycle enzymes in holocephalan elephant fish (Callorhinchus milii)
  • S1-5 : Identification and mapping of urea- and ion-transporting molecules in the kidney of cartilaginous fish


Ichiki, Satoko

  • S35-3 : Structural and functional diversity of the complement system, an innate immune factor, in fish

Ichinose, Mitsuyuki

  • P124 : Chemotactic response of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans to sodium acetate was enhanced by pre-exposure to the same chemical
  • P133 : Extension of retention time of diacetyl-adaptation by oxygen intermediates in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans

Ida, Takanori

  • P192 : Comparison of feeding suppression effect by new peptides in blowfly, Phormia regina.

Igarashi, Hisayuki

  • P033 : Mechanical stress facilitates wound healing in keratinocytes

Igarashi, Fumihiko

  • P105 : The molecular basis of cholesterol uptake system in an insect steroidogenic organ prothoracic gland

Iigo, Masayuki

  • P172 : Mechanism of seasonal testicular regression in quail

Iikubo, Eiji

  • P139 : Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNP)/TrkB signaling is activated through filial imprinting in domestic chicks (Gallus gallus domesticus)

Iizuka, Tetsuya

  • P048 : Molecular machinery for the delivery of specific carotenoids to specific tissues in silkworm

Ikegami, Keisuke

  • P171 : Opsin 5 as a deep brain photoreceptive molecule to regulate seasonal reproduction.
  • P172 : Mechanism of seasonal testicular regression in quail

Ikegami, Taro

  • P101 : Diurnal, circadian and monthly expressions of genes for period, arylalkylamine-N-acetyltransferase 2, and melatonin receptor in the pineal gland of grass puffer

Ikenaga, Takanori

  • P083 : X-ray micro-tomography for observation of three-dimensional structure of the zebrafish brain with single cell resolution

Ikeno, Hidetoshi

  • P114 : Two types of odor-triggered walking behaviors of honeybees controlled by classical olfactory conditioning
  • P149 : Towards the Whole Brain Simulation of the Insect Olfactory System
  • P151 : Computational Analysis of the foraging strategy in the honeybees, Apis mellifera.
  • P152 : Introduction to the Invertebrate Brain Platform (IVB-PF)
  • S26-3 : Neuroinformatics in Invertebrate: Neuromodeling of insect sensory motor system

Imada, Haruka

  • S27-4 : Neural basis underlying female mating preference in medaka fish

Inagaki, Toshihiko

  • S33-1 : Mechanisms of sound and gravity sensation of the Drosophila brain

Inokuchi, Mayu

  • P158 : Differentiation and apoptosis of mitochondria-rich cells in gills of Mozambique tilapia

Inoue-Miyazu, Masumi

  • P019 : Passive stretch suppresses muscle atrophy in rats: effects of duration and frequency of stretch
  • P066 : Association between PI3K/Akt/TOR pathway and stretch-induced hypertrophy in primary cultured chick myotubes

Iribe, Gentaro

  • S32-5 : Role of SAKCa channels in stretch-induced extrasystoles

Irie, Keiichi

  • P138 : L-DOPA treatment of adult female Aedes albopictus mosquitoes suggests a relationship between blood-feeding activity and dopamine level

Ishida, Norio

  • S21-3 : Molecular approach to understand circadian mating behavior of Drosophila

Ishihara, Akinori

  • P095 : A genome-wide expression analysis revealed the effects of hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls on the thyroid hormone function in metamorphosing African clawed toad Xenopus laevis.
  • P096 : Modulation of the extracellular distribution, cellular uptake, and cellular action of phenolic compounds with thyroid hormone disrupting activity by serum proteins

Ishii, Atsuko

  • P070 : Nerve ring of cnidarians: Is it a CNS(central nervous system)-like neuronal structure?

Islam, Zinia

  • P166 : Ion transporters involved in excretion of Ca2+ , SO42- , B(OH)4- , and Mg2+ by seawater fish

Ichikawa, Toshio

  • P194 : Comparative study on pupal defensive behaviors in five species of tenebrionid beetles

Ito, Etsuro

  • P115 : Insulin and long-term potentiation in the pond snail
  • P125 : Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase in the Central Nervous System of Mollusk
  • P151 : Computational Analysis of the foraging strategy in the honeybees, Apis mellifera.

Ito, Gen

  • P032 : Sensing the substrate rigidity: possible roles of stress fibers, focal adhesion and mechanosensitive channel

Ito, Kei

  • S32-3 : The gravity- and sound-sensing systems in the fruit fly.
  • S33-1 : Mechanisms of sound and gravity sensation of the Drosophila brain

Ito, Masayoshi

  • S33-1 : Mechanisms of sound and gravity sensation of the Drosophila brain

Ito, Sayaka

  • P121 : "cot" is a genuine seizure mutant of the silkworm, Bombyx mori.

Itoh, Tsunao

  • P114 : Two types of odor-triggered walking behaviors of honeybees controlled by classical olfactory conditioning

Itoh, Yuta

  • P018 : Effect of resistance exercise on the recovery of atrophied muscles in mice

Itonaga, Keisuke

  • P062 : Maternal carotenoid intake during gestation affects innate immune response of offspring in a matrotrophic viviparous reptile

Iwakura, Misako

  • P193 : Chemosensory explanation for intraspecific tolerance in a supercolony-forming ant

Iwama, George K.

  • P005 : Heat shock-induced oxidative stress modulates growth-related gene expressions and redox status in coho salmon

Iwasa, Tatsuo

  • S28-2 : Lipocalin family proteins found in the olfactory epithelium of Japanese common newt

Iwasaki, Masazumi

  • P135 : Detection of female sex pheromone by male and female cockroaches: a comparative study

Iwayama, Tatsuhiro

  • P179 : Effect of UV and Blue-Green Light on the Locomotor Activity of the Deep-Sea Isopod Bathynomus doederleini (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae): a Preliminary Report

Iyota, Koki

  • P002 : How does weather affect the resistance to temperature change and also components of saturated/unsaturated fatty acids in the oceanic sea skaters, Halobates?
  • P014 : Tolerance to brackish and fresh water bodies as habitat in oceanic sea skaters of Halobates (Heteroptera: Gerridae)

Izumi, Susumu

  • P107 : Localization of an insulin-like androgenic gland factor (IAG) in the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii
  • P108 : Preparation of a recombinant Armadillidium vulgare androgenic gland hormone with a glycan moiety


Jagannath, Spandana

  • S21-2 : Circadian regulation of olfactory learning and memory in the cockroach

Jones, Susan M

  • P062 : Maternal carotenoid intake during gestation affects innate immune response of offspring in a matrotrophic viviparous reptile
  • P099 : Steroid production by maternal and embryonic tissues in a viviparous lizard demonstrate the potential for embryo-maternal signaling

Jonz, Michael G.

  • S6-5 : New insights into gill chemoreception: Neuroepithelial cells as multi-functional O2, CO2 and ammonia sensors

Junior, Braz Titon

  • S19-4 : Geographical distribution and physiological evolution of anurans


Kaewmanee, S.

  • P098 : Secretory Pattern of Inhibin during Estrous Cycle and Pregnancy in African (Loxodonta africana) and Asian (Elephas maximus) elephants

Kagami, Maya

  • P091 : Arginine-vasotocin (AVT) mRNA expression is sensitive to testosterone and estradiol in adult female Japanese quail

Kagawa, Nao

  • P090 : Social status regulates GnRH1 neuron size in medaka

Kagaya, Katsushi

  • Y1-4 : Sequential synaptic activation in the brain for voluntary initiation of walking in the crayfish, Procambarus clarkii.

Kageji, Takamasa

  • P043 : Cloning and comparison of genes for dTTP synthesizing enzymes from Geobacillus bacteria.

Kageyama, Aya

  • P140 : Effects of various stresses on Behavior and Intracerebral Monoamine Contents in Chicks

Kai, Kazuki

  • P146 : Locomotor-related spike activity of protocerebral neurons in freely walking crickets

Kaiya, Hiroyuki

  • P093 : Ghrelin receptor in two species of anuran amphibians
  • P103 : Existence of multiple receptors for neurohypophysial hormones in cartilaginous fish.

Kajimura, Makiko

  • P162 : Ornithine urea cycle enzymes in holocephalan elephant fish (Callorhinchus milii)

Kakumura, Keigo

  • S1-5 : Identification and mapping of urea- and ion-transporting molecules in the kidney of cartilaginous fish

Kamae, Yuichi

  • P174 : Functional analysis of the clock genes in the bristletail, Thermobia domestica

Kameda, Masumi

  • P005 : Heat shock-induced oxidative stress modulates growth-related gene expressions and redox status in coho salmon

Kamiji, Nilton L.

  • P185 : A proton-mediated negative feedback effect on response dynamics of H1 and H2 horizontal cells
  • P186 : Mechanisms of proton negative feedback of H3 type horizontal cells in fish retina

Kamikouchi, Azusa

  • S32-3 : The gravity- and sound-sensing systems in the fruit fly.
  • S33-1 : Mechanisms of sound and gravity sensation of the Drosophila brain

Kanai, Akihiro

  • P145 : Winner effect and serotonin on the formation of crayfish dominance hierarchy

Kanazawa, Atsushi

  • P061 : Metamorphosis of the apostome ciliate Vampyrophrya pelagica with dynamic changes of cytoplasmic organelles during host infection

Kaneko, Toyoji

  • P158 : Differentiation and apoptosis of mitochondria-rich cells in gills of Mozambique tilapia
  • P161 : Morphological and functional characteristics of a novel Na + /K + -ATPase-immunoreactive, follicle-like structure in the gill septum of Japanese banded houndshark, Triakis scyllium

Kang, Chao-Kai

  • P154 : Identification of FXYD protein genes in two euryhaline medaka: tissue-specific expression and responses to salinity challenge
  • P155 : Effects of low environmental salinity on the cellular profiles and expression of Na+ /K+ -ATPase and Na+/K+/2Cl- cotransporter 1 of branchial mitochondrion-rich cells in the juvenile marine fish Monodactylus argenteus

Kang, Sung Ki

  • S30-2 : Behavioral effect of octadecaneuropeptide and neuropeptide Y related to feeding regulation in goldfish

Kangawa, Kenji

  • P093 : Ghrelin receptor in two species of anuran amphibians

Kanno, Ryo

  • P133 : Extension of retention time of diacetyl-adaptation by oxygen intermediates in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans

Kanzaki, Ryohei

  • P020 : Study on adaptability of a silkworm moth using a brain-machine hybrid system: Sensory feedback during odor triggered behavior
  • P021 : Effect of visual stimuli on the air-puff evoked escape behavior of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus
  • P022 : Visual detection of moving objects during walking in crickets
  • P023 : Development of odorant sensor elements using insect cells expressing insect odorant receptors
  • P079 : High concentration pheromone specific spike suppression of antennal lobe projection neurons
  • P087 : Topography of the antenno-cerebral pathway in the silkmoth
  • P114 : Two types of odor-triggered walking behaviors of honeybees controlled by classical olfactory conditioning
  • P122 : Gene expression profiles and synaptic interactions in the antennal lobe neurons of the silkmoth
  • P134 : Multi-sensory integration during pheromone-plume tracking of male silkworm moth, Bombyx mori
  • P149 : Towards the Whole Brain Simulation of the Insect Olfactory System
  • P152 : Introduction to the Invertebrate Brain Platform (IVB-PF)
  • P153 : Direct verification of the turn generator model for pheromone orientation
  • S26-2 : A single sex pheromone receptor determines chemical response specificity of sexual behavior in the silkmoth Bombyx mori
  • S26-3 : Neuroinformatics in Invertebrate: Neuromodeling of insect sensory motor system
  • S26-6 : Insect-Robot Hybrid System for Understanding the Neural Basis of Adaptive Behavior
  • Y1-5 : Exploring insect adaptability with the insect-controlled robot

Karasov, William

  • S20-4 : Intestinal absorption: a view from molecules to ecosystem

Kasahara, Masanori

  • S35-2 : Structure and Function of Variable Lymphocyte Receptors: An Update

Kasamatsu, Jun

  • S35-2 : Structure and Function of Variable Lymphocyte Receptors: An Update

Kashige, Nobuhiro

  • P138 : L-DOPA treatment of adult female Aedes albopictus mosquitoes suggests a relationship between blood-feeding activity and dopamine level

Kasuya, Yushi

  • P064 : Comparative physiology of peristalsis in the gastrointestinal tract of Aplysia and Lymnaea, Gastropoda, Mollusca

Katagiri, Chihiro

  • P002 : How does weather affect the resistance to temperature change and also components of saturated/unsaturated fatty acids in the oceanic sea skaters, Halobates?

Katagiri, Sachiko

  • P139 : Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNP)/TrkB signaling is activated through filial imprinting in domestic chicks (Gallus gallus domesticus)

Katanosaka, Kimiaki

  • P188 : The chemical sensitivities and expression of cold-sensitive ion channels in sensory neurons of the persistently inflamed rat

Kataoka, Akito

  • P019 : Passive stretch suppresses muscle atrophy in rats: effects of duration and frequency of stretch

Kataoka, Hiroshi

  • P105 : The molecular basis of cholesterol uptake system in an insect steroidogenic organ prothoracic gland

Katayanagi, M.

  • P098 : Secretory Pattern of Inhibin during Estrous Cycle and Pregnancy in African (Loxodonta africana) and Asian (Elephas maximus) elephants

Kato, Akira

  • P166 : Ion transporters involved in excretion of Ca2+ , SO42- , B(OH)4- , and Mg2+ by seawater fish

Kato, Ryuichi

  • P009 : Phenotypic Plasticity in the Burrows of the Deep-Sea Isopod Bathynomus doederleini (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae)
  • P179 : Effect of UV and Blue-Green Light on the Locomotor Activity of the Deep-Sea Isopod Bathynomus doederleini (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae): a Preliminary Report

Kato, Yasuhiko

  • S10-6 : Development of an RNA interference method in the cladoceran crustacean Daphnia magna

Katsekis, Christopher

  • S1-3 : Characterization of aquaporin 8 isoform expression in eel (Anguilla sp.) intestine

Katsuki, Motoya

  • P085 : Dopamine D1 receptor modulates neurotransmission through the basal ganglia

Kawabata, Kuniaki

  • P144 : Synthetic approach for understanding internal state change in subordinate cricket in fighting

Kawaguchi, Maiko

  • P119 : The characteristics of Hatano high- and low-avoidance rats as a model for developmental disorder

Kawakami, Keisuke

  • P018 : Effect of resistance exercise on the recovery of atrophied muscles in mice
  • P019 : Passive stretch suppresses muscle atrophy in rats: effects of duration and frequency of stretch
  • P066 : Association between PI3K/Akt/TOR pathway and stretch-induced hypertrophy in primary cultured chick myotubes

Kawamori, Ai

  • P141 : Adaptive decision makings under foraging ecology: comparison of risk sensitivity among species with different food habitat

Kawasaki, Takashi

  • S27-4 : Neural basis underlying female mating preference in medaka fish

Kazawa, Tomoki

  • P079 : High concentration pheromone specific spike suppression of antennal lobe projection neurons
  • P149 : Towards the Whole Brain Simulation of the Insect Olfactory System
  • S26-3 : Neuroinformatics in Invertebrate: Neuromodeling of insect sensory motor system

Keleshian, Asbed M.

  • S32-1 : Membrane bilayer-mediated clustering and functional interaction of MscL, the mechanosensitive channels of large conductance from E. coli

Kelly, Megan A.

  • S4-6 : Membrane lipids and longevity: insights from vertebrates and invertebrates

Kelly, Scott P.

  • P156 : Determining occludin tight junction protein function in fish gill epithelia: in vivo and in vitro approaches
  • S6-3 : New insights into gill osmoregulation: Control of the paracellular pathway

Kidokoro-Kobayashi, Midori

  • P193 : Chemosensory explanation for intraspecific tolerance in a supercolony-forming ant

Kihara, Mami

  • P121 : "cot" is a genuine seizure mutant of the silkworm, Bombyx mori.

Kikuyama, Sakae

  • S24-2 : Involvement of multiple hormones in the newt reproductive behavior

Killen, Shaun S.

  • P010 : The effects of intraspecific variation in metabolic rate on tolerance to hypoxia and risk-taking behaviour in European sea bass

Kim, Kyungjin

  • S22-1 : Molecular Regulation of Core Clock Component, CLOCK:BMAL1 Complex in Circadian System

Kimura, Ken-ichi

  • P080 : Sexually dimorphic projection patterns of gustatory neurons in Drosophila forelegs

Kimura, Kotaro

  • S27-1 : An integrative and quantitative analysis of dopamine-dependent odor avoidance behavior of the nematode C. elegans

Kimura, Naofumi

  • P024 : The origin of yawning behavior in vertebrates and inspiratory activity in mammals

Kimura, Toshifumi

  • P151 : Computational Analysis of the foraging strategy in the honeybees, Apis mellifera.

Kimura, Yuta

  • P114 : Two types of odor-triggered walking behaviors of honeybees controlled by classical olfactory conditioning

Kimura, Yuuri

  • P166 : Ion transporters involved in excretion of Ca2+ , SO42- , B(OH)4- , and Mg2+ by seawater fish

Kinoshita, Keiji

  • P168 : Muscular dystrophic chicken is the hypernatremia

Kinoshita, Michiyo

  • P128 : Neural components contributing to the lamina cartridge in the butterfly, Papilio xuthus
  • S23-2 : Relationship between the retinal organization and visual functions in Papilio butterflies

Kitajima, Takaaki

  • P139 : Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNP)/TrkB signaling is activated through filial imprinting in domestic chicks (Gallus gallus domesticus)

Kiyohara, Sadao

  • P081 : Primary taste neurons of Japanese sea catfish, Plotosus japonicus: morphology and organization in the ganglia.
  • P082 : A study on the general visceral sensory and motor systems in fish

Kiyoshima, Daisuke

  • P034 : Force-induced accumulation of adhesion-related proteins around anchored actin filaments in HeLa cell extract

Klein, Wilfried

  • P015 : Water balance and species distribution in a frog community from Northeastern Brazil
  • S5-2 : Buoyancy control and ventilation in turtles

Knaden, Markus

  • S26-4 : The usage of forward models in dynamic landmark navigation: from insects to robotic mapless autonomous navigators

Kobayashi, Daisuke

  • P139 : Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNP)/TrkB signaling is activated through filial imprinting in domestic chicks (Gallus gallus domesticus)

Kobayashi, Gen

  • P029 : The structural, spectral, and stability properties of myoglobin from hoki fish (Macruronus magellanicus).

Kobayashi, Isao

  • S26-2 : A single sex pheromone receptor determines chemical response specificity of sexual behavior in the silkmoth Bombyx mori

Kobayashi, Suguru

  • P115 : Insulin and long-term potentiation in the pond snail

Kobayashi, Takeshi

  • P032 : Sensing the substrate rigidity: possible roles of stress fibers, focal adhesion and mechanosensitive channel

Kodani, Yu

  • P076 : Electrostatic charge at position 552 of FMRFamide-gated Na+ channel affects channel activation and rectification

Koga, Keita

  • P176 : Bisphenol A-feeding differentiates to breed hyperactive fruit flies having PERIOD isoform with shortened Gly-Thr repeat

Koganezawa, Masayuki

  • P150 : Animal behavior as a complex adaptive system
  • S33-2 : The neural circuitry contributing to male courtship behavior of Drosophila

Koizumi, Osamu

  • P070 : Nerve ring of cnidarians: Is it a CNS(central nervous system)-like neuronal structure?
  • P071 : Searching for the genes related to the nerve net formation in hydra
  • P072 : Expression pattern of hydra synapsin indicates heterogeneity of synapses in the diffuse nervous system
  • S34-1 : Origin and evolution of the nervous system viewed from the diffuse nervous system: Nerve ring of cnidarians

Koizumi, Yasushi

  • P093 : Ghrelin receptor in two species of anuran amphibians

Kojima, Daisuke

  • P181 : UV-sensitive non-visual photopigment in mammals.
  • S23-5 : Non-Visual Photoreception in Vertebrates

Kojima, Masayasu

  • P192 : Comparison of feeding suppression effect by new peptides in blowfly, Phormia regina.

Kojima, Takeshi

  • P132 : Binary temporal pattern of odor induces chemotaxis in mites

Kolev, Svetoslav

  • S26-5 : Remote Radio Control of Insect Flight

Kolhatkar, Ashra

  • S8-5 : Conflicts and compromises: TMAO as an osmolyte and chemical chaperone in dogfish red blood cells experiencing environmental stress

Komiyama, Makiko

  • P160 : Effect of environmental change on the expression of urea cycle enzymes and nitrogen transporters in the amphibious fish

Konarzewski, Marek

  • S16-1 : Natural selection on body mass and metabolic rates in root voles, Microtus oeconomus
  • S16-4 : Physiological and molecular consequences of divergent selection for basal metabolic rate (BMR) in laboratory mice
  • S16-5 : Genome and cell size as factors determining metabolic rate scaling

Kondo, Hiroki

  • P116 : Activities of cerebellar Purkinje cells during classical fear conditioning in goldfish

Konno, Norifumi

  • P093 : Ghrelin receptor in two species of anuran amphibians
  • P100 : PACAP affects somatolactin-α and -β gene expression in cultured goldfish pituitary cells
  • P103 : Existence of multiple receptors for neurohypophysial hormones in cartilaginous fish.
  • P160 : Effect of environmental change on the expression of urea cycle enzymes and nitrogen transporters in the amphibious fish
  • P169 : Central administration of Ang II and vasotocin, and changes in body fluid stimulate c-fos expression in the treefrog brain

Kotaka, Sayaka

  • P108 : Preparation of a recombinant Armadillidium vulgare androgenic gland hormone with a glycan moiety

Kotaki, Toyomi

  • P126 : Wavelength-dependent phototactic behavior in the brown-winged green bug, Plautia stali.

Koteja, Pawel

  • S16-2 : Inter-population variation and natural selection on metabolic traits in the bank vole, Myodes glareolus
  • S16-6 : Correlated responses to a multidirectional artificial selection in the bank vole, Myodes glareolus

Koyama, Yuka

  • P077 : Increased systemic level of angiotensin II promotes adult hippocampal neurogenesis
  • P117 : Brain loci involved in object discrimination learning in mudskipper

Koyanagi, Mitsumasa

  • S23-3 : Investigation on wavelength sensitivities and distributions of visual pigments in the four-layered retina in jumping spiders
  • S23-4 : Diversity and evolution of opsin-based pigments in non-visual function

Kozlowski, J.

  • S16-5 : Genome and cell size as factors determining metabolic rate scaling

Kraffe, Edouard

  • S4-4 : Cardiolipin and Plasmalogens in Marine Mollusk Bivalves - Contributions to Resistance and Adaptation to Prevailing Environmental Conditions.

Kriegsfeld, Lance J.

  • S25-2 : Discovery and evolutionary history of gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (GnIH), a new key neuropeptide controlling reproduction

Ksiazek, Aneta

  • S16-4 : Physiological and molecular consequences of divergent selection for basal metabolic rate (BMR) in laboratory mice

Kubo, Yoshihiro

  • P171 : Opsin 5 as a deep brain photoreceptive molecule to regulate seasonal reproduction.

Kubo, Yoko

  • P183 : Overexpression, purification and characterization of chicken cryptochrome 4
  • P184 : Cryptochromes highly expressed in the ovary of Xenopus tropicalis

Kubo, Takeo

  • S27-4 : Neural basis underlying female mating preference in medaka fish

Kuijpers, Marcela

  • S1-3 : Characterization of aquaporin 8 isoform expression in eel (Anguilla sp.) intestine

Kukla, Michal

  • P046 : The influence of cisplatin combined with extremely low- frequency electromagnetic field on antioxidative enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation in megacolonies of squamous cell carcinoma

Kumai, Yusuke

  • S7-2 : Mechanisms and regulation of Na+ uptake by zebrafish (Danio rerio) in acidic water

Kunimatsu, Jun

  • P148 : Electrical microstimulation in the primate dorsomedial frontal cortex alters the timing of self-initiated saccades

Kunitomo, Mie

  • P125 : Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase in the Central Nervous System of Mollusk

Kurabayashi, Daisuke

  • P020 : Study on adaptability of a silkworm moth using a brain-machine hybrid system: Sensory feedback during odor triggered behavior
  • S26-6 : Insect-Robot Hybrid System for Understanding the Neural Basis of Adaptive Behavior

Kurata, Shoichiro

  • S35-1 : A receptor guanylyl cyclase mediates humoral and cellular responses in Drosophila immunity

Kurihara, Ken

  • P043 : Cloning and comparison of genes for dTTP synthesizing enzymes from Geobacillus bacteria.

Kurita, Yukihiro

  • P166 : Ion transporters involved in excretion of Ca2+ , SO42- , B(OH)4- , and Mg2+ by seawater fish

Kurokawa, Makoto

  • P009 : Phenotypic Plasticity in the Burrows of the Deep-Sea Isopod Bathynomus doederleini (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae)
  • P064 : Comparative physiology of peristalsis in the gastrointestinal tract of Aplysia and Lymnaea, Gastropoda, Mollusca
  • P085 : Dopamine D1 receptor modulates neurotransmission through the basal ganglia
  • P085 : A proton-mediated negative feedback effect on response dynamics of H1 and H2 horizontal cells

Kurumata, Mami

  • P071 : Searching for the genes related to the nerve net formation in hydra
  • S34-1 : Origin and evolution of the nervous system viewed from the diffuse nervous system: Nerve ring of cnidarians

Kurumata-Shigeto, Mami

  • P072 : Expression pattern of hydra synapsin indicates heterogeneity of synapses in the diffuse nervous system

Kusakabe, Makoto

  • P102 : Functional analyses of the cardiac natriuretic peptides in medaka using a knockdown technology
  • P161 : Morphological and functional characteristics of a novel Na + /K + -ATPase-immunoreactive, follicle-like structure in the gill septum of Japanese banded houndshark, Triakis scyllium

Kusakabe, Takehiro G.

  • P094 : Biological roles of a species-specific orphan receptor in functional diversity of GnRH signaling via GPCR heterodimerization in the ascidian, Ciona intestinalis
  • S34-5 : The tunicate nervous system: insights into the origin of vertebrate-specific traits

Kutomi, Osamu

  • P067 : The role of the outer dynein arm light chain 1 in regulation of the ciliary movements in Paramecium tetraurelia

Kuwasawa, Kiyoaki

  • P025 : Neural control of the pulsating vessels in the earthworm, Metaphier sp.
  • P026 : Neurotransmitters of the cardiac ganglion in the penaeid shrimp, Maruspenaeus japonicus


Lai, Dong-Yang

  • P159 : Changes of Na+ /K+ -ATPase isoform expression in gills and kidneys of euryhaline pufferfish (Tetraodon nigroviridis ) acclimated to hypo- and hypertonic environments

Lee, Jiwon

  • S22-1 : Molecular Regulation of Core Clock Component, CLOCK:BMAL1 Complex in Circadian System

Lee, How-Jing

  • S29-1 : Regulation of circadian locomotion of the German cockroach

Lee, Leo TO

  • S25-4 : Analysis of VPAC and secretin receptors in vertebrates: its implications on molecular and functional evolution of the secretin receptor family

Lee, Tsung-Han

  • P012 : Regulatory mechanisms of osmotic stress transcription factor 1 in the Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) gills upon osmotic stress
  • P154 : Identification of FXYD protein genes in two euryhaline medaka: tissue-specific expression and responses to salinity challenge
  • P155 : Effects of low environmental salinity on the cellular profiles and expression of Na+ /K+ -ATPase and Na+/K+/2Cl- cotransporter 1 of branchial mitochondrion-rich cells in the juvenile marine fish Monodactylus argenteus
  • P157 : The regulatory redundancy of Na+ absorption in zebrafish
  • P159 : Changes of Na+ /K+ -ATPase isoform expression in gills and kidneys of euryhaline pufferfish (Tetraodon nigroviridis ) acclimated to hypo- and hypertonic environments

Lee, Yool

  • S22-1 : Molecular Regulation of Core Clock Component, CLOCK:BMAL1 Complex in Circadian System

Leite, Cleo A. C.

  • S5-3 : Chemoreceptor control of breathing in reptiles

Leprince, Jerome

  • S25-1 : Identification and functional characterization of novel neuropeptides: from frogs to humans
  • S30-2 : Behavioral effect of octadecaneuropeptide and neuropeptide Y related to feeding regulation in goldfish

Lewandowski, Marian H.

  • P178 : Orexins/hypocretins and biological clock - anatomical and physiological approach.

Li, Meixia

  • P120 : The Novel Long non-coding RNA nc97 regulates Drosophila Locomotion

Lin, Li-Yih

  • S7-1 : Functional regulation of acid secretion in zebrafish during acclimation to acidic environment

Linton, Stuart M.

  • P050 : Characterisation of lichenase isozymes from the herbivorous gecarcinid land crab, Gecarcoidea natalis.

Liu, Jiangqu

  • S33-4 : Two pairs of neurons control Drosophila larval light preference

Liu, Li

  • P110 : Time to egg-laying: A new model of time-based memory in Drosophila
  • P120 : The Novel Long non-coding RNA nc97 regulates Drosophila Locomotion
  • P137 : Transmembrane protein VSD is required for axon crossing for the formation of central complex
  • S33-3 : Role of the central complex in the visual learning of flies
  • S33-4 : Two pairs of neurons control Drosophila larval light preference

Lovera, Christopher

  • P008 : Living on the edge: physiological compensation for environmental acidification is limited in the deep-sea urchin Allocentrotus fragilis


Ma, Guibin

  • P170 : Silver nanoparticles inhibit gill sodium transport in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).

MacCormack, Tyson

  • P170 : Silver nanoparticles inhibit gill sodium transport in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).

Maciak, Sebastian

  • S16-4 : Physiological and molecular consequences of divergent selection for basal metabolic rate (BMR) in laboratory mice
  • S16-5 : Genome and cell size as factors determining metabolic rate scaling

Maciel, Lais da Cunha

  • S5-2 : Buoyancy control and ventilation in turtles

Maeda, Toru

  • P191 : Putative integration cite between taste and olfaction imformation in the blowfly, Phormia regina
  • P192 : Comparison of feeding suppression effect by new peptides in blowfly, Phormia regina.

Maeda, Toshinori

  • P183 : Overexpression, purification and characterization of chicken cryptochrome 4

Maharbiz, Michel M.

  • S26-5 : Remote Radio Control of Insect Flight

Maejima, Sho

  • P169 : Central administration of Ang II and vasotocin, and changes in body fluid stimulate c-fos expression in the treefrog brain

Magnanou, E.

  • S20-2 : Transcending Plant‐Herbivore Interactions in the Time of Omes

Makita, Yu

  • P095 : A genome-wide expression analysis revealed the effects of hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls on the thyroid hormone function in metamorphosing African clawed toad Xenopus laevis.

Malenke, J.

  • S20-2 : Transcending Plant‐Herbivore Interactions in the Time of Omes

Maloney, Shane K.

  • P063 : A role for pro-inflammatory cytokines, but not prostaglandin E2 in avian fever

Marais, Manette

  • P063 : A role for pro-inflammatory cytokines, but not prostaglandin E2 in avian fever

Marques, Otavio A.V.

  • S19-5 : Thermoregulation of a viperid snake endemic of a small island at the south Atlantic of Brazil

Marras, Stefano

  • P010 : The effects of intraspecific variation in metabolic rate on tolerance to hypoxia and risk-taking behaviour in European sea bass

Martin, Tano Carbo

  • P027 : GABAergic regulation of the cardiac response to visual danger stimuli in the crab Chasmagnathus. Localization and structure of the cardiac ganglion.

Martinac, Boris

  • P189 : Lipid and lyso-lipid effects on the mechanosensitivity of co-reconsituted MscS and MscL
  • S32-1 : Membrane bilayer-mediated clustering and functional interaction of MscL, the mechanosensitive channels of large conductance from E. coli

Marty, Yanic

  • S4-4 : Cardiolipin and Plasmalogens in Marine Mollusk Bivalves - Contributions to Resistance and Adaptation to Prevailing Environmental Conditions.

Marumo, Akihiro

  • P043 : Cloning and comparison of genes for dTTP synthesizing enzymes from Geobacillus bacteria.

Maruyama, Yusuke

  • P101 : Diurnal, circadian and monthly expressions of genes for period, arylalkylamine-N-acetyltransferase 2, and melatonin receptor in the pineal gland of grass puffer

Massey, Travis L.

  • S26-5 : Remote Radio Control of Insect Flight

Mathews, Zenon

  • S26-4 : The usage of forward models in dynamic landmark navigation: from insects to robotic mapless autonomous navigators

Matsuda, Rie

  • P080 : Sexually dimorphic projection patterns of gustatory neurons in Drosophila forelegs

Matsuda, Kouhei

  • P100 : PACAP affects somatolactin-α and -β gene expression in cultured goldfish pituitary cells
  • P160 : Effect of environmental change on the expression of urea cycle enzymes and nitrogen transporters in the amphibious fish
  • P169 : Central administration of Ang II and vasotocin, and changes in body fluid stimulate c-fos expression in the treefrog brain
  • S30-2 : Behavioral effect of octadecaneuropeptide and neuropeptide Y related to feeding regulation in goldfish

Matsui, Toshinori

  • P009 : Phenotypic Plasticity in the Burrows of the Deep-Sea Isopod Bathynomus doederleini (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae)

Matsumoto, Chinami

  • P043 : Cloning and comparison of genes for dTTP synthesizing enzymes from Geobacillus bacteria.

Matsumoto, Keiji

  • P173 : Photoperiodic regulation of juvenile hormone biosynthesis in the brown-winged green bug, Plautia stali

Matsumoto, Masami

  • P033 : Mechanical stress facilitates wound healing in keratinocytes

Matsumoto, Yukihisa

  • P112 : Habit formation by extended Pavlovian training in crickets
  • P113 : Sensory preconditioning in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus: Associations between neutral sensory stimuli

Matsunaga, Ayaka

  • P043 : Cloning and comparison of genes for dTTP synthesizing enzymes from Geobacillus bacteria.

Matsuno, Tomoya

  • S22-5 : Circannual rhythm in a beetle and its relationship to the circadian clock

Matsuo, Ayaka

  • P176 : Bisphenol A-feeding differentiates to breed hyperactive fruit flies having PERIOD isoform with shortened Gly-Thr repeat

Matsuo, Ryota

  • S29-3 : DNA endoreplication in the brain neurons during body growth of an adult slug

Matsuo, Takashi

  • S28-3 : Evolution of two odorant-binding protein genes, Obp57d and Obp57e, in Drosophila

Matsuoka, Ariki

  • P029 : The structural, spectral, and stability properties of myoglobin from hoki fish (Macruronus magellanicus).
  • P058 : Comparison of the feature in genome rearrangement of Paramecium with that of the other organisms

Matsushima, Ayami

  • P106 : Effects of Bisphenol A-exposure on the gene expression of culture neuron BG2-c6
  • P176 : Bisphenol A-feeding differentiates to breed hyperactive fruit flies having PERIOD isoform with shortened Gly-Thr repeat

Matsushima, Osamu

  • P075 : Molecular cloning and expression of the precursor gene of a D-Trp-containing neuropeptide, NdWFamide, in the ganglia of Aplysia kurodai.

Matsushima, Toshiya

  • P139 : Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNP)/TrkB signaling is activated through filial imprinting in domestic chicks (Gallus gallus domesticus)
  • P141 : Adaptive decision makings under foraging ecology: comparison of risk sensitivity among species with different food habitat
  • P142 : Visual exposure to point-light animation induces a predisposed preference to biological motion in newly-hatched domestic chicks
  • P143 : Competition viewed biologically: choice impulsivity, work cost and serotonin in domestic chicks

Matsuura, Tetsuya

  • P124 : Chemotactic response of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans to sodium acetate was enhanced by pre-exposure to the same chemical
  • P133 : Extension of retention time of diacetyl-adaptation by oxygen intermediates in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans

May, Roland P.

  • S32-1 : Membrane bilayer-mediated clustering and functional interaction of MscL, the mechanosensitive channels of large conductance from E. coli

McClelland, Grant B.

  • S4-2 : Genomic and nongenomic regulation of mitochondrial fat oxidation

McDonald, MD

  • S6-1 : New insights into nitrogen excretion at the gulf toadfish gill: The role of Rh glycoproteins

McKenzie, David J.

  • P010 : The effects of intraspecific variation in metabolic rate on tolerance to hypoxia and risk-taking behaviour in European sea bass

McWhorter, Todd J.

  • S20-3 : Water balance in nectar-feeding birds: the intestine as an osmoregulatory organ

Meyering-Vos, Martina

  • S10-2 : Using RNA interference in analyzing the role of juvenile hormone in insect reproduction

Miake, Fumio

  • P138 : L-DOPA treatment of adult female Aedes albopictus mosquitoes suggests a relationship between blood-feeding activity and dopamine level

Mikami, Kazuyuki

  • P058 : Comparison of the feature in genome rearrangement of Paramecium with that of the other organisms

Milsom, William K.

  • S5-3 : Chemoreceptor control of breathing in reptiles
  • S6-5 : New insights into gill chemoreception: Neuroepithelial cells as multi-functional O2, CO2 and ammonia sensors

Minegishi, Ryo

  • P020 : Study on adaptability of a silkworm moth using a brain-machine hybrid system: Sensory feedback during odor triggered behavior
  • S26-6 : Insect-Robot Hybrid System for Understanding the Neural Basis of Adaptive Behavior

Minobe, Sumiko

  • P071 : Searching for the genes related to the nerve net formation in hydra
  • P072 : Expression pattern of hydra synapsin indicates heterogeneity of synapses in the diffuse nervous system
  • S34-1 : Origin and evolution of the nervous system viewed from the diffuse nervous system: Nerve ring of cnidarians

Mirceta, Scott

  • S14-6 : Evolution of myoglobin molecular surface and whole organism diving capacity in mammals

Mishima, Kenichi

  • P138 : L-DOPA treatment of adult female Aedes albopictus mosquitoes suggests a relationship between blood-feeding activity and dopamine level

Mita, Koichi

  • P115 : Insulin and long-term potentiation in the pond snail

Mitchell, Todd W

  • S4-5 : Changes in Membrane Phospholipid Composition in Mammalian Tissues with Body Mass and a Potential Secret of Cardiolipin.

Mito, Taro

  • S10-3 : Ancestral developmental mechanisms in insects revealed by RNAi analysis of cricket genes

Mitsuhashi, Hiroyuki

  • P023 : Development of odorant sensor elements using insect cells expressing insect odorant receptors

Mitsuno, Hidefumi

  • P023 : Development of odorant sensor elements using insect cells expressing insect odorant receptors
  • S26-2 : A single sex pheromone receptor determines chemical response specificity of sexual behavior in the silkmoth Bombyx mori

Miura, Momoko

  • P142 : Visual exposure to point-light animation induces a predisposed preference to biological motion in newly-hatched domestic chicks

Miyakawa, Hiroyoshi

  • S32-3 : The gravity- and sound-sensing systems in the fruit fly.

Miyamoto, Daisuke

  • P149 : Towards the Whole Brain Simulation of the Insect Olfactory System

Miyanishi, Hiroshi

  • P102 : Functional analyses of the cardiac natriuretic peptides in medaka using a knockdown technology

Miyauchi, Aya

  • P187 : Expression analysis of G protein alpha subunits in mouse taste cells responsible for sweet and umami taste.

Miyawaki, Atsushi

  • P065 : Physiological study of ascidian tail muscle

Miyazaki, Toshihiro

  • P038 : Signaling pathway in extracellular calcium sensing of frog parathyroid cells

Miyazaki, Yosuke

  • S22-5 : Circannual rhythm in a beetle and its relationship to the circadian clock

Miyazato, Mikiya

  • P093 : Ghrelin receptor in two species of anuran amphibians

Miyazawa, Mitsuhiro

  • S28-5 : Structural Analysis of Hemolymph Juvenile Hormone Binding Protein of Silkworm, Bombyx mori

Miyazu, Masumi

  • P018 : Effect of resistance exercise on the recovery of atrophied muscles in mice

Mizuguchi, Toru

  • P029 : The structural, spectral, and stability properties of myoglobin from hoki fish (Macruronus magellanicus).

Mizumura, Kazue

  • P188 : The chemical sensitivities and expression of cold-sensitive ion channels in sensory neurons of the persistently inflamed rat

Mizunami, Makoto

  • P112 : Habit formation by extended Pavlovian training in crickets
  • P113 : Sensory preconditioning in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus: Associations between neutral sensory stimuli
  • P135 : Detection of female sex pheromone by male and female cockroaches: a comparative study

Mizuno, Hiroshi

  • S32-3 : The gravity- and sound-sensing systems in the fruit fly.

Mizuta, Shoshi

  • P044 : Biochemical characteristics of collagen in bivalve molluscs

Mizutani, Makoto

  • P168 : Muscular dystrophic chicken is the hypernatremia

Moffett, David

  • S7-4 : Models of anterior gut alkalinisation of the Aedes aegypti mosquito midgut: new pH regulatory paradigms


  • S10-2 : Using RNA interference in analyzing the role of juvenile hormone in insect reproduction

Moine, Chris Le

  • S4-2 : Genomic and nongenomic regulation of mitochondrial fat oxidation

Momma, Mitsuru

  • S28-5 : Structural Analysis of Hemolymph Juvenile Hormone Binding Protein of Silkworm, Bombyx mori

Momohara, Yuto

  • P145 : Winner effect and serotonin on the formation of crayfish dominance hierarchy

Monsiol, Aleksandra

  • P046 : The influence of cisplatin combined with extremely low- frequency electromagnetic field on antioxidative enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation in megacolonies of squamous cell carcinoma

Morash, Andrea

  • S4-2 : Genomic and nongenomic regulation of mitochondrial fat oxidation

Moreira, Renata G.

  • P092 : The brain-pituitary axis in Steindachneridion parahybae (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae) females when reproductive migration is blocked

Mori, Kentaro

  • P188 : The chemical sensitivities and expression of cold-sensitive ion channels in sensory neurons of the persistently inflamed rat

Mori, Suguru

  • P181 : UV-sensitive non-visual photopigment in mammals.

Morimoto, Takako

  • S32-3 : The gravity- and sound-sensing systems in the fruit fly.

Morishita, Fumihiro

  • P075 : Molecular cloning and expression of the precursor gene of a D-Trp-containing neuropeptide, NdWFamide, in the ganglia of Aplysia kurodai.

Moriyama, Tohru

  • P009 : Phenotypic Plasticity in the Burrows of the Deep-Sea Isopod Bathynomus doederleini (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae)
  • P179 : Effect of UV and Blue-Green Light on the Locomotor Activity of the Deep-Sea Isopod Bathynomus doederleini (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae): a Preliminary Report

Moriyama, Hideaki

  • S14-5 : Altitudinal differentiation in hemoglobin function in birds and small mammals

Moulin, Martine

  • S32-1 : Membrane bilayer-mediated clustering and functional interaction of MscL, the mechanosensitive channels of large conductance from E. coli

Mouri, Y.

  • P098 : Secretory Pattern of Inhibin during Estrous Cycle and Pregnancy in African (Loxodonta africana) and Asian (Elephas maximus) elephants

Mukuda, Takao

  • P077 : Increased systemic level of angiotensin II promotes adult hippocampal neurogenesis
  • P117 : Brain loci involved in object discrimination learning in mudskipper
  • P118 : Do mudskippers tell their right from left?

Munro, Daniel

  • P045 : Lipid analysis in long-living bivalves supports the membrane-pacemaker theory of aging.

Murakami, Andre S. N.

  • P001 : Body temperature profile during foraging activity of Polybia (Trychothorax) ignobilis Halliday, 1836 (INSECTA, HYMENOPTERA)

Murakami, Jun

  • P115 : Insulin and long-term potentiation in the pond snail

Murakami, Taro

  • P051 : Exercise downregulates mTORC1 pathway through REDD1 expression in rat skeletal muscle

Murakami, Yasunori

  • S34-4 : Origin and evolution of vertebrate brain

Murakami, Yumiko

  • P083 : X-ray micro-tomography for observation of three-dimensional structure of the zebrafish brain with single cell resolution

Murase, Daisuke

  • P040 : A mutation in the DNA binding domain of chicken STAT5 inhibits leptin dependent signal transduction in vitro
  • P089 : Leptin modulates transcription of chicken GH gene in mammalian cells

Murayama, Itaru

  • P172 : Mechanism of seasonal testicular regression in quail

Murayama, Masanori

  • S27-5 : Fiberoptic Ca2+ imaging of dendrites in freely moving rats

Muro, Takayuki

  • P166 : Ion transporters involved in excretion of Ca2+ , SO42- , B(OH)4- , and Mg2+ by seawater fish


Nagahama, Tatsumi

  • P074 : Activity changes of buccal motor neurons induced by egg laying hormone contribute to the feeding suppression in Aplysia kurodai

Nagaoka, K.

  • P098 : Secretory Pattern of Inhibin during Estrous Cycle and Pregnancy in African (Loxodonta africana) and Asian (Elephas maximus) elephants

Nagasawa, Hiromichi

  • P108 : Preparation of a recombinant Armadillidium vulgare androgenic gland hormone with a glycan moiety

Nagata, Ayaka

  • P083 : X-ray micro-tomography for observation of three-dimensional structure of the zebrafish brain with single cell resolution

Nagata, Shinji

  • P108 : Preparation of a recombinant Armadillidium vulgare androgenic gland hormone with a glycan moiety

Nagata, Takashi

  • S23-3 : Investigation on wavelength sensitivities and distributions of visual pigments in the four-layered retina in jumping spiders

Nagayama, Toshiki

  • P127 : Positive and negative phototaxis in marbled crayfish Procambarus fallax
  • P145 : Winner effect and serotonin on the formation of crayfish dominance hierarchy

Nakada, Tsutomu

  • P166 : Ion transporters involved in excretion of Ca2+ , SO42- , B(OH)4- , and Mg2+ by seawater fish

Nakada, Tomoaki

  • S24-2 : Involvement of multiple hormones in the newt reproductive behavior

Nakagawa, Hideki

  • P131 : Collision avoidance behavior of the frog and the underlying neuronal correlates.

Nakagawa, Hiroyuki

  • P106 : Effects of Bisphenol A-exposure on the gene expression of culture neuron BG2-c6

Nakagawa, Masashi

  • P065 : Physiological study of ascidian tail muscle

Nakamura, Atsushi

  • P052 : The effect of food intake on expression level of AMPKβ in the brain of the blowfly, Phormia regina
  • P053 : Pharmacological analysis of the AMP-activated protein kinase in the regulation of food intake in the blowfly, Phormia regina

Nakamura, Masaru

  • P070 : Nerve ring of cnidarians: Is it a CNS(central nervous system)-like neuronal structure?
  • S34-1 : Origin and evolution of the nervous system viewed from the diffuse nervous system: Nerve ring of cnidarians

Nakamura, Masayuki

  • P176 : Bisphenol A-feeding differentiates to breed hyperactive fruit flies having PERIOD isoform with shortened Gly-Thr repeat

Nakamura, Tadashi

  • P052 : The effect of food intake on expression level of AMPKβ in the brain of the blowfly, Phormia regina
  • P053 : Pharmacological analysis of the AMP-activated protein kinase in the regulation of food intake in the blowfly, Phormia regina
  • S28-2 : Lipocalin family proteins found in the olfactory epithelium of Japanese common newt

Nakamura, Taro

  • S10-3 : Ancestral developmental mechanisms in insects revealed by RNAi analysis of cricket genes

Nakamura, Tatsuya

  • P194 : Comparative study on pupal defensive behaviors in five species of tenebrionid beetles

Nakane, Yusuke

  • P171 : Opsin 5 as a deep brain photoreceptive molecule to regulate seasonal reproduction.
  • P172 : Mechanism of seasonal testicular regression in quail

Nakanishi, Teruyuki

  • S35-4 : Diversified isotypes of immune-related genes in teleost

Nakano, Masahiro

  • P017 : Hormonal and illuminational control of embryonic diapause termination in dormant cysts of Artemia franciscana

Nakao, Miki

  • S35-3 : Structural and functional diversity of the complement system, an innate immune factor, in fish

Nakano, Toshiki

  • P005 : Heat shock-induced oxidative stress modulates growth-related gene expressions and redox status in coho salmon

Nakaoka, Takayoshi

  • P105 : The molecular basis of cholesterol uptake system in an insect steroidogenic organ prothoracic gland

Nakashima, Yukihiko

  • P138 : L-DOPA treatment of adult female Aedes albopictus mosquitoes suggests a relationship between blood-feeding activity and dopamine level

Nakatani, Kei

  • P122 : Gene expression profiles and synaptic interactions in the antennal lobe neurons of the silkmoth

Nakayasu, Junnichi

  • S30-3 : Aggressive behavior and TTX in puffer fish

Nambu, Atsushi

  • P085 : Dopamine D1 receptor modulates neurotransmission through the basal ganglia

Nambu, Fumiko

  • P016 : Arachidonic acid cascade genes up-regulated in dried dormant cysts of brine shrimp, Artemia franciscana.
  • P017 : Hormonal and illuminational control of embryonic diapause termination in dormant cysts of Artemia franciscana

Nambu, Ziro

  • P016 : Arachidonic acid cascade genes up-regulated in dried dormant cysts of brine shrimp, Artemia franciscana.
  • P017 : Hormonal and illuminational control of embryonic diapause termination in dormant cysts of Artemia franciscana

Namikawa, Hiroshi

  • P070 : Nerve ring of cnidarians: Is it a CNS(central nervous system)-like neuronal structure?
  • S34-1 : Origin and evolution of the nervous system viewed from the diffuse nervous system: Nerve ring of cnidarians

Namikawa, Takao

  • P168 : Muscular dystrophic chicken is the hypernatremia

Namiki, Shigehiro

  • P079 : High concentration pheromone specific spike suppression of antennal lobe projection neurons
  • P087 : Topography of the antenno-cerebral pathway in the silkmoth
  • P149 : Towards the Whole Brain Simulation of the Insect Olfactory System

Namiki, Shigeru

  • S26-3 : Neuroinformatics in Invertebrate: Neuromodeling of insect sensory motor system

Napoli, Marcelo Felgueiras

  • P015 : Water balance and species distribution in a frog community from Northeastern Brazil

Narukawa, Junko

  • P048 : Molecular machinery for the delivery of specific carotenoids to specific tissues in silkworm

Naruse, Keiji

  • S32-5 : Role of SAKCa channels in stretch-induced extrasystoles

Narusem Kiyoshi

  • S27-4 : Neural basis underlying female mating preference in medaka fish

Narushima, E.

  • P098 : Secretory Pattern of Inhibin during Estrous Cycle and Pregnancy in African (Loxodonta africana) and Asian (Elephas maximus) elephants

Narusuye, Kenji

  • P074 : Activity changes of buccal motor neurons induced by egg laying hormone contribute to the feeding suppression in Aplysia kurodai

Natarajan, Chandrasekhar

  • S14-5 : Altitudinal differentiation in hemoglobin function in birds and small mammals

Navas, Carlos A.

  • S19-2 : Amphibians and reptiles in South American extreme environments

Nawata, C. Michele

  • P163 : How the Dogfish Shark Copes with High Environmental Ammonia

Nealon, Jessica R

  • S4-5 : Changes in Membrane Phospholipid Composition in Mammalian Tissues with Body Mass and a Potential Secret of Cardiolipin.

Neveu, Cindy

  • S25-1 : Identification and functional characterization of novel neuropeptides: from frogs to humans

Ninomiya, Yuzo

  • P187 : Expression analysis of G protein alpha subunits in mouse taste cells responsible for sweet and umami taste.

Nishi, Takako

  • P078 : Multimodal properties of photoresponsive neurons in Onchidium

Nishikawa, Ikuko

  • P149 : Towards the Whole Brain Simulation of the Insect Olfactory System
  • S26-3 : Neuroinformatics in Invertebrate: Neuromodeling of insect sensory motor system

Nishikawa, Michiko

  • Y1-1 : Neural basis of general odor processing in the cockroach antennal lobe

Nishimura, Hiroko

  • S1-2 : Avian Aquaporin Water Channels and Their Regulation

Nishimura, Osamu

  • S34-2 : How did the central nervous system evolve?

Nisimura, Tomoyosi

  • S22-5 : Circannual rhythm in a beetle and its relationship to the circadian clock

Nishino, Asuka

  • P133 : Extension of retention time of diacetyl-adaptation by oxygen intermediates in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans

Nishino, Hiroshi

  • P135 : Detection of female sex pheromone by male and female cockroaches: a comparative study

Nishioka, Takaaki

  • S26-2 : A single sex pheromone receptor determines chemical response specificity of sexual behavior in the silkmoth Bombyx mori

Nishiyama, Norihito

  • P029 : The structural, spectral, and stability properties of myoglobin from hoki fish (Macruronus magellanicus).
  • P058 : Comparison of the feature in genome rearrangement of Paramecium with that of the other organisms

Noguchi, Munenori

  • P067 : The role of the outer dynein arm light chain 1 in regulation of the ciliary movements in Paramecium tetraurelia

Noji, Sumihare

  • S10-3 : Ancestral developmental mechanisms in insects revealed by RNAi analysis of cricket genes

Nomura, Takeshi

  • P189 : Lipid and lyso-lipid effects on the mechanosensitivity of co-reconsituted MscS and MscL

Nozawa, Sergio Ricardo

  • S31-1 : Transcriptomic studies in aquatic organisms of the Amazon: current status

Numajiri, Yuko

  • P121 : "cot" is a genuine seizure mutant of the silkworm, Bombyx mori.

Numata, Hideharu

  • P173 : Photoperiodic regulation of juvenile hormone biosynthesis in the brown-winged green bug, Plautia stali
  • S22-5 : Circannual rhythm in a beetle and its relationship to the circadian clock

Nunokawa, Rina

  • P177 : Mediobasal hypothalamus transmits the time of feeding to locomotor activity

Nyi, Myo Nyi

  • S26-5 : Remote Radio Control of Insect Flight


Ochiai, Yoshihiro

  • P030 : Evolutionary and structural aspects of fish myoglobins

Oda, Takayuki

  • P124 : Chemotactic response of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans to sodium acetate was enhanced by pre-exposure to the same chemical

Oda, Yoichi

  • S29-5 : Lateral difference in hunting behavior in the scale-eating cichlid fish, Perissodus microlepis in Lake Tanganyika

Oe, Momoko

  • P136 : Neural mechanism for directional control of wind-evoked walking behavior in the cricket

Ogawa, Asami

  • P025 : Neural control of the pulsating vessels in the earthworm, Metaphier sp.

Ogawa, Hiroto

  • P136 : Neural mechanism for directional control of wind-evoked walking behavior in the cricket
  • S27-3 : Directional-dependent plasticity in neural and behavioral responses to air currents in the cricket

Ogoshi, Maho

  • S25-5 : Reverse phylogenetic approach to discovery of novel adrenomedullins in mammals

Ogura, Atsushi

  • P057 : Identification of novel Pax-6 splicing variants in squids and its relevance to camera eye development of the cephalopods

Ogura, Yukiko

  • P143 : Competition viewed biologically: choice impulsivity, work cost and serotonin in domestic chicks

Ohashi, Mizue

  • P151 : Computational Analysis of the foraging strategy in the honeybees, Apis mellifera.

Ohira, Tsuyoshi

  • P107 : Localization of an insulin-like androgenic gland factor (IAG) in the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii
  • P108 : Preparation of a recombinant Armadillidium vulgare androgenic gland hormone with a glycan moiety

Ohki, Kazuo

  • P003 : Relationship between physical properties and lipid metabolism in temperature acclimation of cells

Ohkubo, Takeshi

  • P040 : A mutation in the DNA binding domain of chicken STAT5 inhibits leptin dependent signal transduction in vitro
  • P089 : Leptin modulates transcription of chicken GH gene in mammalian cells

Ohno, Kaoru

  • S24-1 : Spawning behaviors induced by neurosecretory hormones in echinoderms

Ohta, Chikara

  • P085 : Dopamine D1 receptor modulates neurotransmission through the basal ganglia

Ohta, Ryo

  • P119 : The characteristics of Hatano high- and low-avoidance rats as a model for developmental disorder

Ohtsuka, Susumu

  • P061 : Metamorphosis of the apostome ciliate Vampyrophrya pelagica with dynamic changes of cytoplasmic organelles during host infection

Oikawa, Shin

  • P195 : Prey-predator interactions derived from energy metabolism: reconsideration of ontogenetic metabolic scaling

Okada, Jiro

  • P146 : Locomotor-related spike activity of protocerebral neurons in freely walking crickets

Okada, Ryuichi

  • P115 : Insulin and long-term potentiation in the pond snail
  • P130 : Instantaneous e-vector detection in the honeybee using an associative learning paradigm
  • P151 : Computational Analysis of the foraging strategy in the honeybees, Apis mellifera.

Okada, Yukio

  • P038 : Signaling pathway in extracellular calcium sensing of frog parathyroid cells

Okamoto, Hitoshi

  • S30-5 : Habenula as the multimodal switching board for controlling behaviors

Okamoto, Takashi

  • P064 : Comparative physiology of peristalsis in the gastrointestinal tract of Aplysia and Lymnaea, Gastropoda, Mollusca

Okano, Keiko

  • P183 : Overexpression, purification and characterization of chicken cryptochrome 4
  • P184 : Cryptochromes highly expressed in the ovary of Xenopus tropicalis

Okano, Toshiyuki

  • P183 : Overexpression, purification and characterization of chicken cryptochrome 4
  • P184 : Cryptochromes highly expressed in the ovary of Xenopus tropicalis

Okazaki, Katuichiro

  • P089 : Leptin modulates transcription of chicken GH gene in mammalian cells

Okita, Kougen

  • S30-3 : Aggressive behavior and TTX in puffer fish

Okubo, Kataaki

  • P102 : Functional analyses of the cardiac natriuretic peptides in medaka using a knockdown technology

Okuta, Akiko

  • P115 : Insulin and long-term potentiation in the pond snail

Okuyama, Teruhiro

  • S27-4 : Neural basis underlying female mating preference in medaka fish

Omiya, Masao

  • P056 : Eye regionalization and opsin gene duplication in butterflies: the dorsal region retains basic arrangement

Ong, Kimberly J.

  • P170 : Silver nanoparticles inhibit gill sodium transport in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).

Onimaru, Hiroshi

  • S12-2 : Respiratory rhythm generation and central chemoreceptors in rodents

Ono, Hiroko

  • P171 : Opsin 5 as a deep brain photoreceptive molecule to regulate seasonal reproduction.
  • P172 : Mechanism of seasonal testicular regression in quail

Osugi, Tomohiro

  • S25-2 : Discovery and evolutionary history of gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (GnIH), a new key neuropeptide controlling reproduction

Ota, Jun

  • P144 : Synthetic approach for understanding internal state change in subordinate cricket in fighting

Ota, Takefumi

  • P188 : The chemical sensitivities and expression of cold-sensitive ion channels in sensory neurons of the persistently inflamed rat

Ota, Wataru

  • P172 : Mechanism of seasonal testicular regression in quail

Ozaki, Koichi

  • S28-1 : Retinoid-binding Proteins Involved in the Insect Photoreception

Ozaki, Mamiko

  • P191 : Putative integration cite between taste and olfaction imformation in the blowfly, Phormia regina
  • P192 : Comparison of feeding suppression effect by new peptides in blowfly, Phormia regina.
  • P193 : Chemosensory explanation for intraspecific tolerance in a supercolony-forming ant

Ozawa, Itsumi

  • P119 : The characteristics of Hatano high- and low-avoidance rats as a model for developmental disorder


Page, L. Terry

  • S21-2 : Circadian regulation of olfactory learning and memory in the cockroach

Pal, Prithwish

  • S32-1 : Membrane bilayer-mediated clustering and functional interaction of MscL, the mechanosensitive channels of large conductance from E. coli

Panda, Satchidananda

  • P180 : Comprehensive analysis of the central projections of melanopsin-expressing ganglion cells in mice
  • S22-3 : Light reception in rodent retinal ganglion cells and its role in the clockwork

Pandolfi, Matias

  • P092 : The brain-pituitary axis in Steindachneridion parahybae (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae) females when reproductive migration is blocked

Pane, Eric F.

  • P008 : Living on the edge: physiological compensation for environmental acidification is limited in the deep-sea urchin Allocentrotus fragilis

Pannabecker, Thomas L.

  • S1-1 : Functional architecture of the urinary concentrating mechanism in desert rodents

Pansopha, Poonsup

  • P134 : Multi-sensory integration during pheromone-plume tracking of male silkworm moth, Bombyx mori

Parhar, Ishwar S.

  • S24-4 : Role of RF-Related Peptide in Male Reproductive Behaviour in Mice
  • S29-4 : Comparative Neuroendocrine Mechanisms in the Control of Reproduction

Parks, Scott

  • S7-3 : A proposed novel mechanism for Na+ transport in rainbow trout gills

Pekala, Dobromila

  • P178 : Orexins/hypocretins and biological clock - anatomical and physiological approach.

Perry, Steve

  • S14-1 : The Respiratory Challenges Imposed by Gill Remodelling in Fish
  • S7-2 : Mechanisms and regulation of Na+ uptake by zebrafish (Danio rerio) in acidic water

Perry, Steven F.

  • S12-4 : Breathing and Thermoregulation in Sauropod Dinosaurs: Size Matters

Perry, Steven F.

  • S6-5 : New insights into gill chemoreception: Neuroepithelial cells as multi-functional O2, CO2 and ammonia sensors

Picimbon, Jean-Francois “Jeff”

  • S28-4 : Comparative biochemistry and physiology of moth OBPs and CSPs

Polaniak, Renata

  • P046 : The influence of cisplatin combined with extremely low- frequency electromagnetic field on antioxidative enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation in megacolonies of squamous cell carcinoma

Projecto-Garcia, Joana

  • S14-5 : Altitudinal differentiation in hemoglobin function in birds and small mammals

Pyza, Elzbieta

  • S21-1 : Circadian regulation of neuronal and glial cell activity and plasticity in the fly's visual system


Quinn, Roger

  • S26-1 : Environment, Locomotion and Sensor Structure Interact to Structure Odor-tracking Behavior.


Raid, Daniel

  • S31-5 : Amazon fish LDH as model for studies of temperature adaptations

Ralph, Allison

  • S7-4 : Models of anterior gut alkalinisation of the Aedes aegypti mosquito midgut: new pH regulatory paradigms

Ramiro, Freudenthal

  • P027 : GABAergic regulation of the cardiac response to visual danger stimuli in the crab Chasmagnathus. Localization and structure of the cardiac ganglion.

Randall, David

  • S31-4 : Changes in gene expression during hypoxia and starvation in fish

Rego, Jean-Claude Do

  • S25-1 : Identification and functional characterization of novel neuropeptides: from frogs to humans

Reyes, Catalina

  • S5-3 : Chemoreceptor control of breathing in reptiles

Robertson, Cayleih

  • S8-5 : Conflicts and compromises: TMAO as an osmolyte and chemical chaperone in dogfish red blood cells experiencing environmental stress

Rodela, T

  • S6-1 : New insights into nitrogen excretion at the gulf toadfish gill: The role of Rh glycoproteins

Rodriguez, Fernando

  • S30-1 : Neuropsychology of fish behavior and cognition

Rohde, Paul R.

  • S32-1 : Membrane bilayer-mediated clustering and functional interaction of MscL, the mechanosensitive channels of large conductance from E. coli

Romero, Michael F.

  • P166 : ・Ion transporters involved in excretion of Ca2+ , SO42- , B(OH)4- , and Mg2+ by seawater fish

Rudolf, Agata

  • S16-6 : Correlated responses to a multidirectional artificial selection in the bank vole, Myodes glareolus

Rutkowski, Adam

  • S26-1 : Environment, Locomotion and Sensor Structure Interact to Structure Odor-tracking Behavior.

Ryan, Mary R.

  • P010 : The effects of intraspecific variation in metabolic rate on tolerance to hypoxia and risk-taking behaviour in European sea bass

Rybak, Jurgen

  • S33-5 : Neural circuits underlying olfactory coding in the Drosophila antennal lobe


Sachse, Silke

  • S33-5 : Neural circuits underlying olfactory coding in the Drosophila antennal lobe
  • Y1-2 : Evolution of olfactory coding in moths: different resolutions for different needs?

Sadamoto, Hisayo

  • P115 : Insulin and long-term potentiation in the pond snail
  • P123 : Identification and expression analysis of the biogenic amine-related genes in the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus
  • P125 : Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase in the Central Nervous System of Mollusk

Sadowska, Julita

  • S16-4 : Physiological and molecular consequences of divergent selection for basal metabolic rate (BMR) in laboratory mice

Sadowska, Edyta T.

  • S16-2 : Inter-population variation and natural selection on metabolic traits in the bank vole, Myodes glareolus
  • S16-6 : Correlated responses to a multidirectional artificial selection in the bank vole, Myodes glareolus

Sai, Gobun

  • P096 : Modulation of the extracellular distribution, cellular uptake, and cellular action of phenolic compounds with thyroid hormone disrupting activity by serum proteins

Saito, Akira

  • P068 : Isolation and characterization of mastigonemes and contractile cytoplasm from a gliding euglenoid flagellate Peranema trichophorum

Saito, Natsumi

  • P182 : Light induces lipid-raft-based molecular interactions in retinal disc membrane.

Saito, Noboru

  • P084 : Effects of fasting on AQP9 expression in the chick brain
  • P091 : Arginine-vasotocin (AVT) mRNA expression is sensitive to testosterone and estradiol in adult female Japanese quail
  • P168 : Muscular dystrophic chicken is the hypernatremia

Saito, Shigeru

  • P055 : Evolution of Thermosensor TRPV3 Channels: Opposite Temperature Sensitivity between Mammals and Western Clawed Frogs

Sakai, Hidetsugu

  • P140 : Effects of various stresses on Behavior and Intracerebral Monoamine Contents in Chicks

Sakai, Tsubasa

  • P094 : Biological roles of a species-specific orphan receptor in functional diversity of GnRH signaling via GPCR heterodimerization in the ascidian, Ciona intestinalis

Sakakura, Yoshitaka

  • S30-3 : Aggressive behavior and TTX in puffer fish

Sakamoto, Emiko

  • P091 : Arginine-vasotocin (AVT) mRNA expression is sensitive to testosterone and estradiol in adult female Japanese quail

Sakamoto, Hironori

  • P193 : Chemosensory explanation for intraspecific tolerance in a supercolony-forming ant

Sakamoto, Yuki

  • P115 : Insulin and long-term potentiation in the pond snail

Sakamoto, Yumi

  • P108 : Preparation of a recombinant Armadillidium vulgare androgenic gland hormone with a glycan moiety

Sakashita, Atsushi

  • S30-2 : Behavioral effect of octadecaneuropeptide and neuropeptide Y related to feeding regulation in goldfish

Sakiyama, Kazutaka

  • S30-3 : Aggressive behavior and TTX in puffer fish

Sakudoh, Takashi

  • P048 : Molecular machinery for the delivery of specific carotenoids to specific tissues in silkworm

Sakuma, Masayuki

  • P132 : Binary temporal pattern of odor induces chemotaxis in mites

Sakura, Midori

  • P130 : Instantaneous e-vector detection in the honeybee using an associative learning paradigm
  • P144 : Synthetic approach for understanding internal state change in subordinate cricket in fighting
  • P193 : Chemosensory explanation for intraspecific tolerance in a supercolony-forming ant

Sakurai, Takeshi

  • P023 : Development of odorant sensor elements using insect cells expressing insect odorant receptors
  • S26-2 : A single sex pheromone receptor determines chemical response specificity of sexual behavior in the silkmoth Bombyx mori

Sasai, Nobuaki

  • P066 : Association between PI3K/Akt/TOR pathway and stretch-induced hypertrophy in primary cultured chick myotubes

Sasakura, Yasunori

  • P065 : Physiological study of ascidian tail muscle

Sasaoka, Toshikuni

  • P085 : Dopamine D1 receptor modulates neurotransmission through the basal ganglia

Satake, Honoo

  • P094 : Biological roles of a species-specific orphan receptor in functional diversity of GnRH signaling via GPCR heterodimerization in the ascidian, Ciona intestinalis

Satake, Honoo

  • S25-6 : Homologous and unique structures and functions of ascidian peptidic signaling molecules

Sato, Asako

  • P085 : Dopamine D1 receptor modulates neurotransmission through the basal ganglia

Sato, Chiaki

  • P080 : Sexually dimorphic projection patterns of gustatory neurons in Drosophila forelegs

Sato, Hirotaka

  • S26-5 : Remote Radio Control of Insect Flight

Sato, Megumi

  • P140 : Effects of various stresses on Behavior and Intracerebral Monoamine Contents in Chicks

Sato, Minoru

  • P005 : Heat shock-induced oxidative stress modulates growth-related gene expressions and redox status in coho salmon

Satoh, Takanori

  • P043 : Cloning and comparison of genes for dTTP synthesizing enzymes from Geobacillus bacteria.

Satho, Tomomitsu

  • P138 : L-DOPA treatment of adult female Aedes albopictus mosquitoes suggests a relationship between blood-feeding activity and dopamine level

Sato, Yohei

  • P149 : Towards the Whole Brain Simulation of the Insect Olfactory System

Sawada, Ken

  • S28-2 : Lipocalin family proteins found in the olfactory epithelium of Japanese common newt

Sawada, Yasuyuki

  • P031 : Hydrogen Bond Formation between the Gate and Water Molecules Accelerates Channel Opening of the Bacterial Mechanosensitive Channel MscL

Schmitz, Monika

  • P109 : Infection by the cestode Schistocephalus solidus increases GnR H - and G T H mRN A levels in the three- spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus

Schulte, Patricia M.

  • S8-3 : The role of alternative isoforms as an evolutionary strategy for mitigating potential conflicts between osmoregulation and other physiological systems

Schultz, Aaron G.

  • P170 : Silver nanoparticles inhibit gill sodium transport in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).
  • S7-3 : A proposed novel mechanism for Na+ transport in rainbow trout gills

Seki, Haruyoshi

  • S32-3 : The gravity- and sound-sensing systems in the fruit fly.

Seki, Yoichi

  • S33-5 : Neural circuits underlying olfactory coding in the Drosophila antennal lobe

Sekimoto, Takero

  • P002 : How does weather affect the resistance to temperature change and also components of saturated/unsaturated fatty acids in the oceanic sea skaters, Halobates?
  • P014 : Tolerance to brackish and fresh water bodies as habitat in oceanic sea skaters of Halobates (Heteroptera: Gerridae)

Seno, Keiji

  • P182 : Light induces lipid-raft-based molecular interactions in retinal disc membrane.

Seong, Jae Young

  • S25-3 : Molecular co-evolution of kisspeptins and GPR54s

Sezutsu, Hideki

  • P048 : Molecular machinery for the delivery of specific carotenoids to specific tissues in silkworm
  • S26-2 : A single sex pheromone receptor determines chemical response specificity of sexual behavior in the silkmoth Bombyx mori

Shao, Yi Ta

  • P109 : Infection by the cestode Schistocephalus solidus increases GnR H - and G T H mRN A levels in the three- spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus

Shibasaki, Yasuhiro

  • S35-4 : Diversified isotypes of immune-related genes in teleost

Shibata, Shigenobu

  • P177 : Mediobasal hypothalamus transmits the time of feeding to locomotor activity

Shiga, Sakiko

  • P173 : Photoperiodic regulation of juvenile hormone biosynthesis in the brown-winged green bug, Plautia stali
  • S21-5 : Circadian clock neurons presumably involved in photoperiodism in the blowfly Protophormia terraenovae

Shiga, Yasuhiro

  • S10-6 : Development of an RNA interference method in the cladoceran crustacean Daphnia magna

Shigeno, Shuichi

  • S34-3 : Design principles of convergent brain evolution: A case of the most specialized marine invertebrates

Shih, Yang Shang

  • P027 : GABAergic regulation of the cardiac response to visual danger stimuli in the crab Chasmagnathus. Localization and structure of the cardiac ganglion.

Shiina, O.

  • P098 : Secretory Pattern of Inhibin during Estrous Cycle and Pregnancy in African (Loxodonta africana) and Asian (Elephas maximus) elephants

Shima, Sulene N.

  • P001 : Body temperature profile during foraging activity of Polybia (Trychothorax) ignobilis Halliday, 1836 (INSECTA, HYMENOPTERA)

Shimada, Atsuko

  • S27-4 : Neural basis underlying female mating preference in medaka fish

Shimada, Ichiro

  • P150 : Animal behavior as a complex adaptive system

Shimoda, Masami

  • P121 : "cot" is a genuine seizure mutant of the silkworm, Bombyx mori.
  • P126 : Wavelength-dependent phototactic behavior in the brown-winged green bug, Plautia stali.

Shimohigashi, Miki

  • P106 : Effects of Bisphenol A-exposure on the gene expression of culture neuron BG2-c6

Shimohigashi, Yasuyuki

  • P106 : Effects of Bisphenol A-exposure on the gene expression of culture neuron BG2-c6

Shimotsu, Kyoko

  • P078 : Multimodal properties of photoresponsive neurons in Onchidium

Shingai, Ryuzo

  • P055 : Evolution of Thermosensor TRPV3 Channels: Opposite Temperature Sensitivity between Mammals and Western Clawed Frogs

Shiotsuki, Takahiro

  • S28-5 : Structural Analysis of Hemolymph Juvenile Hormone Binding Protein of Silkworm, Bombyx mori

Shirakawa, Hideki

  • P037 : Characterization of store-operated Ca2+ entry in mouse eggs

Shiraki, Takashi

  • P002 : How does weather affect the resistance to temperature change and also components of saturated/unsaturated fatty acids in the oceanic sea skaters, Halobates?

Shiratori, Chihiro

  • P127 : Positive and negative phototaxis in marbled crayfish Procambarus fallax

Shirley, Alicia J.

  • P050 : Characterisation of lichenase isozymes from the herbivorous gecarcinid land crab, Gecarcoidea natalis.

Shoji, Yui

  • P005 : Heat shock-induced oxidative stress modulates growth-related gene expressions and redox status in coho salmon

Skonieczna, Magdalena

  • P046 : The influence of cisplatin combined with extremely low- frequency electromagnetic field on antioxidative enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation in megacolonies of squamous cell carcinoma

Skopec, M.S.

  • S20-2 : Transcending Plant‐Herbivore Interactions in the Time of Omes

Smith, Denyia

  • S1-3 : Characterization of aquaporin 8 isoform expression in eel (Anguilla sp.) intestine

Soga, Tomoko

  • S24-4 : Role of RF-Related Peptide in Male Reproductive Behaviour in Mice

Sokabe, Masahiro

  • P018 : Effect of resistance exercise on the recovery of atrophied muscles in mice
  • P019 : Passive stretch suppresses muscle atrophy in rats: effects of duration and frequency of stretch
  • P031 : Hydrogen Bond Formation between the Gate and Water Molecules Accelerates Channel Opening of the Bacterial Mechanosensitive Channel MscL
  • P032 : Sensing the substrate rigidity: possible roles of stress fibers, focal adhesion and mechanosensitive channel
  • P033 : Mechanical stress facilitates wound healing in keratinocytes
  • P034 : Force-induced accumulation of adhesion-related proteins around anchored actin filaments in HeLa cell extract
  • P035 : Cell stretch and deformation induce ATP release from A549 alveolar cells
  • P036 : Mutual Interaction between Subepithelial Fibroblasts and Afferent Neurons via ATP and Substance-P in Intestinal Villi
  • P066 : Association between PI3K/Akt/TOR pathway and stretch-induced hypertrophy in primary cultured chick myotubes
  • P097 : Endogenous neurosteroids are required for normal synaptic transmission and plasticity in the dentate gyrus of the rat hippocampus.
  • P189 : Lipid and lyso-lipid effects on the mechanosensitivity of co-reconsituted MscS and MscL
  • PL-1 : Comparative biophysics and physiology of cell mechanosensing: from passive to active touch
  • S32-2 : Cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in sensing mechanical stimuli

Somamoto, Tomonori

  • S35-3 : Structural and functional diversity of the complement system, an innate immune factor, in fish

Son, Gi Hoon

  • S22-1 : Molecular Regulation of Core Clock Component, CLOCK:BMAL1 Complex in Circadian System

Song, Chihong

  • P059 : Intracellular symbiosis of Chlorella in Paramecium bursaria with possible involvement of mitochondrial dynamics

Soudant, Philippe

  • S4-4 : Cardiolipin and Plasmalogens in Marine Mollusk Bivalves - Contributions to Resistance and Adaptation to Prevailing Environmental Conditions.

Storz, Jay F.

  • S14-5 : Altitudinal differentiation in hemoglobin function in birds and small mammals

STRAUS, Christian

  • S12-3 : Nonlinear dynamics of respiration, from frog to man

Strausfeld, Nicholas James

  • S33-6 : Evolutionary of neural circuits in insect mediating sensory information processing

Suehiro, Yuji

  • S27-4 : Neural basis underlying female mating preference in medaka fish

Suetomo, Yasutaka

  • P069 : IP39, the integral membrane protein of euglenoid flagellates

Sugimura, K.

  • P098 : Secretory Pattern of Inhibin during Estrous Cycle and Pregnancy in African (Loxodonta africana) and Asian (Elephas maximus) elephants

Sugisaki, Daisuke

  • P124 : Chemotactic response of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans to sodium acetate was enhanced by pre-exposure to the same chemical

Sumiyoshi, Miho

  • P106 : Effects of Bisphenol A-exposure on the gene expression of culture neuron BG2-c6

Sumiyoshi, Miho

  • P176 : Bisphenol A-feeding differentiates to breed hyperactive fruit flies having PERIOD isoform with shortened Gly-Thr repeat

Sutoh, Yoichi

  • S35-2 : Structure and Function of Variable Lymphocyte Receptors: An Update

Suzaki, Toshinobu

  • P059 : Intracellular symbiosis of Chlorella in Paramecium bursaria with possible involvement of mitochondrial dynamics
  • P060 : Comparison of morphology and surface characteristics of zoochlorella in various host organisms including protozoans and invertebrates
  • P061 : Metamorphosis of the apostome ciliate Vampyrophrya pelagica with dynamic changes of cytoplasmic organelles during host infection
  • P068 : Isolation and characterization of mastigonemes and contractile cytoplasm from a gliding euglenoid flagellate Peranema trichophorum
  • P069 : IP39, the integral membrane protein of euglenoid flagellates

Suzuki, Minoru

  • P105 : The molecular basis of cholesterol uptake system in an insect steroidogenic organ prothoracic gland

Suzuki, Rintaro

  • S28-5 : Structural Analysis of Hemolymph Juvenile Hormone Binding Protein of Silkworm, Bombyx mori

Suzuki, Takahiro

  • S21-3 : Molecular approach to understand circadian mating behavior of Drosophila

Suzuki, Tomohiko

  • P049 : Multiple phosphagen kinases from the cnidarian Nematostella vectensis.

Suzuki, Tomoyuki

  • P053 : Pharmacological analysis of the AMP-activated protein kinase in the regulation of food intake in the blowfly, Phormia regina

Suzuki, Yoshio

  • P083 : X-ray micro-tomography for observation of three-dimensional structure of the zebrafish brain with single cell resolution

Szafranska, Paulina

  • S16-1 : Natural selection on body mass and metabolic rates in root voles, Microtus oeconomus


Tabuchi, Masashi

  • P122 : Gene expression profiles and synaptic interactions in the antennal lobe neurons of the silkmoth

Tajima, Yumi

  • P071 : Searching for the genes related to the nerve net formation in hydra

Takabe, Souichirou

  • P161 : Morphological and functional characteristics of a novel Na + /K + -ATPase-immunoreactive, follicle-like structure in the gill septum of Japanese banded houndshark, Triakis scyllium
  • S1-5 : Identification and mapping of urea- and ion-transporting molecules in the kidney of cartilaginous fish

Takada, Hiroya

  • P033 : Mechanical stress facilitates wound healing in keratinocytes

Takagi, Wataru

  • P162 : Ornithine urea cycle enzymes in holocephalan elephant fish (Callorhinchus milii)

Takahashi, Hirokazu

  • P021 : Effect of visual stimuli on the air-puff evoked escape behavior of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus
  • P022 : Visual detection of moving objects during walking in crickets

Takahashi, Tooru

  • P037 : Characterization of store-operated Ca2+ entry in mouse eggs

Takahashi, Akiyoshi

  • P100 : PACAP affects somatolactin-α and -β gene expression in cultured goldfish pituitary cells

Takahata, Masakazu

  • P111 : Discrimination learning with light stimuli in restrained American lobster Homarus americanus
  • Y1-4 : Sequential synaptic activation in the brain for voluntary initiation of walking in the crayfish, Procambarus clarkii.

Takaki, Shin

  • P161 : Morphological and functional characteristics of a novel Na + /K + -ATPase-immunoreactive, follicle-like structure in the gill septum of Japanese banded houndshark, Triakis scyllium

Takashima, Akira

  • P149 : Towards the Whole Brain Simulation of the Insect Olfactory System
  • P152 : Introduction to the Invertebrate Brain Platform (IVB-PF)

Takashima, Atsushi

  • P020 : Study on adaptability of a silkworm moth using a brain-machine hybrid system: Sensory feedback during odor triggered behavior
  • S26-6 : Insect-Robot Hybrid System for Understanding the Neural Basis of Adaptive Behavior

Takatani, Tomohiro

  • S30-3 : Aggressive behavior and TTX in puffer fish

Takeda, Yoshie

  • P032 : Sensing the substrate rigidity: possible roles of stress fibers, focal adhesion and mechanosensitive channel

Takeda, Hiroyuki

  • S27-4 : Neural basis underlying female mating preference in medaka fish

Takei, Yoshio

  • P102 : Functional analyses of the cardiac natriuretic peptides in medaka using a knockdown technology
  • P104 : Unique structure and function of lamprey angiotensin II suggest a separate path of renin-angiotensin system evolution
  • P165 : Environmental factors responsible for switching on renal SO42- regulatory systems in seawater eels
  • P167 : Guanylin enhances Cl- permeability across the intestine of the eel acclimated to sea water
  • S25-5 : Reverse phylogenetic approach to discovery of novel adrenomedullins in mammals

Takenaka, Shiho

  • P002 : How does weather affect the resistance to temperature change and also components of saturated/unsaturated fatty acids in the oceanic sea skaters, Halobates?

Takeuchi, Kyohei

  • P069 : IP39, the integral membrane protein of euglenoid flagellates

Takeuchi, Akihisa

  • P083 : X-ray micro-tomography for observation of three-dimensional structure of the zebrafish brain with single cell resolution

Takeuchi, Sakae

  • P089 : Leptin modulates transcription of chicken GH gene in mammalian cells

Takeuchi, Hiro-aki

  • P140 : Effects of various stresses on Behavior and Intracerebral Monoamine Contents in Chicks

Takeuchi, Takahiro

  • P184 : Cryptochromes highly expressed in the ovary of Xenopus tropicalis

Takeuchi, Hideaki

  • S27-4 : Neural basis underlying female mating preference in medaka fish

Takeuchi, Yuichi

  • S29-5 : Lateral difference in hunting behavior in the scale-eating cichlid fish, Perissodus microlepis in Lake Tanganyika

Talley, Jennifer

  • S26-1 : Environment, Locomotion and Sensor Structure Interact to Structure Odor-tracking Behavior.

Tamura, Toshiki

  • S26-2 : A single sex pheromone receptor determines chemical response specificity of sexual behavior in the silkmoth Bombyx mori

Tanaka, Kosuke

  • P026 : Neurotransmitters of the cardiac ganglion in the penaeid shrimp, Maruspenaeus japonicus

Tanaka, Masaki

  • P148 : Electrical microstimulation in the primate dorsomedial frontal cortex alters the timing of self-initiated saccades

Tanaka, Minoru

  • S27-4 : Neural basis underlying female mating preference in medaka fish

Tanaka, Mizuna

  • P032 : Sensing the substrate rigidity: possible roles of stress fibers, focal adhesion and mechanosensitive channel

Tanaka, Motoki

  • P097 : Endogenous neurosteroids are required for normal synaptic transmission and plasticity in the dentate gyrus of the rat hippocampus.

Tanaka, Shin

  • P016 : Arachidonic acid cascade genes up-regulated in dried dormant cysts of brine shrimp, Artemia franciscana.
  • P017 : Hormonal and illuminational control of embryonic diapause termination in dormant cysts of Artemia franciscana

Tang, Cheng-Hao

  • P012 : Regulatory mechanisms of osmotic stress transcription factor 1 in the Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) gills upon osmotic stress
  • P159 : Changes of Na+ /K+ -ATPase isoform expression in gills and kidneys of euryhaline pufferfish (Tetraodon nigroviridis ) acclimated to hypo- and hypertonic environments

Taniuchi, Shusuke

  • P089 : Leptin modulates transcription of chicken GH gene in mammalian cells

Tase, Akira

  • S28-5 : Structural Analysis of Hemolymph Juvenile Hormone Binding Protein of Silkworm, Bombyx mori

Tatsumi, Hitoshi

  • P034 : Force-induced accumulation of adhesion-related proteins around anchored actin filaments in HeLa cell extract
  • S32-2 : Cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in sensing mechanical stimuli

Tattersall, Glenn J.

  • S19-1 : Thermoregulation in a basking frog inhabiting the Espinhaco mountain range in eastern Brazil.

Tay, Wee C.

  • S32001 : Membrane bilayer-mediated clustering and functional interaction of MscL, the mechanosensitive channels of large conductance from E. coli

Taya, K.

  • P098 : Secretory Pattern of Inhibin during Estrous Cycle and Pregnancy in African (Loxodonta africana) and Asian (Elephas maximus) elephants

Taya, Kazuyoshi

  • P119 : The characteristics of Hatano high- and low-avoidance rats as a model for developmental disorder

Taylor, Josi R.

  • P008 : Living on the edge: physiological compensation for environmental acidification is limited in the deep-sea urchin Allocentrotus fragilis

Tega, Akinori

  • P172 : Mechanism of seasonal testicular regression in quail

Teng, Yan

  • S33-4 : Two pairs of neurons control Drosophila larval light preference

Terada, Kazuko

  • P086 : Various electrical behaviors of the excitable membrane

Terajima, Saki

  • P192 : Comparison of feeding suppression effect by new peptides in blowfly, Phormia regina.

Terakado, Kiyoshi

  • P073 : GnRH neuronal stem cells in ascidians

Terakita, Akihisa

  • S23-3 : Investigation on wavelength sensitivities and distributions of visual pigments in the four-layered retina in jumping spiders
  • S23-4 : Diversity and evolution of opsin-based pigments in non-visual function

Teranishi, Keitaro

  • P161 : Morphological and functional characteristics of a novel Na + /K + -ATPase-immunoreactive, follicle-like structure in the gill septum of Japanese banded houndshark, Triakis scyllium

Theodore, Garland Jr

  • S16-3 : Links between activity, exploratory behavior, and energy metabolism: lessons from planned and unplanned artificial selection experiments

TIAN, Honggan

  • S10-5 : RNAi studies in insects in China

Tipsmark, Christian K.

  • S1-4 : Salinity regulation of paracellular transport in fish gill

Toda, Kazuo

  • P038 : Signaling pathway in extracellular calcium sensing of frog parathyroid cells

Tokishita, Shin-ichi

  • S10-6 : Development of an RNA interference method in the cladoceran crustacean Daphnia magna

Tokue, Kazunori

  • P021 : Effect of visual stimuli on the air-puff evoked escape behavior of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus

Tomina, Yusuke

  • P111 : Discrimination learning with light stimuli in restrained American lobster Homarus americanus

Tominaga, Makoto

  • P055 : Evolution of Thermosensor TRPV3 Channels: Opposite Temperature Sensitivity between Mammals and Western Clawed Frogs

Tomioka, Kenji

  • P174 : Functional analysis of the clock genes in the bristletail, Thermobia domestica
  • P175 : Post-embryonic development of the circadian rhythms outside the optic lobe in the cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus
  • S10-1 : Molecular dissection of an insect circadian clock with RNAi
  • S21-4 : The circadian clock regulates physiological functions through a neuropeptide PDF in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus

Tonon, Marie-Christine

  • S30-2 : Behavioral effect of octadecaneuropeptide and neuropeptide Y related to feeding regulation in goldfish

Toop, Tes

  • P103 : Existence of multiple receptors for neurohypophysial hormones in cartilaginous fish.
  • P162 : Ornithine urea cycle enzymes in holocephalan elephant fish (Callorhinchus milii)
  • S1-5 : Identification and mapping of urea- and ion-transporting molecules in the kidney of cartilaginous fish

Torii, Masaki

  • P181 : UV-sensitive non-visual photopigment in mammals.

Toyoda, Fumiyo

  • S24-2 : Involvement of multiple hormones in the newt reproductive behavior

Toyoshima, Masami

  • P043 : Cloning and comparison of genes for dTTP synthesizing enzymes from Geobacillus bacteria.

Trajanovska, Sofie

  • P028 : The evolution of vascular nitric oxide signalling
  • P042 : Endothelial nitric oxide synthase and vascular nitric oxide signalling in amphibians

Trombley, Susanne

  • P109 : Infection by the cestode Schistocephalus solidus increases GnR H - and G T H mRN A levels in the three- spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus

Tseng, Yung Che

  • P109 : Infection by the cestode Schistocephalus solidus increases GnR H - and G T H mRN A levels in the three- spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus

Tsuchida, Kozo

  • P048 : Molecular machinery for the delivery of specific carotenoids to specific tissues in silkworm

Tsuchiya, Wataru

  • S28-5 : Structural Analysis of Hemolymph Juvenile Hormone Binding Protein of Silkworm, Bombyx mori

Tsuda, Motoyuki

  • P094 : Biological roles of a species-specific orphan receptor in functional diversity of GnRH signaling via GPCR heterodimerization in the ascidian, Ciona intestinalis

Tsujikura, Masakazu

  • S35-3 : Structural and functional diversity of the complement system, an innate immune factor, in fish

Tsuruoka, Shinya

  • P107 : Localization of an insulin-like androgenic gland factor (IAG) in the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii

Tsutsui, Kazuyoshi

  • P088 : RNA interference of gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone gene induces arousal in songbirds
  • S24-2 : Involvement of multiple hormones in the newt reproductive behavior
  • S25-1 : Identification and functional characterization of novel neuropeptides: from frogs to humans
  • S25-2 : Discovery and evolutionary history of gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (GnIH), a new key neuropeptide controlling reproduction
  • S25-3 : Molecular co-evolution of kisspeptins and GPR54s

Tsuyama, Paula

  • P001 : Body temperature profile during foraging activity of Polybia (Trychothorax) ignobilis Halliday, 1836 (INSECTA, HYMENOPTERA)

Turdzeladze, Tamta

  • S32-1 : Membrane bilayer-mediated clustering and functional interaction of MscL, the mechanosensitive channels of large conductance from E. coli


Ubuka, Takayoshi

  • P088 : RNA interference of gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone gene induces arousal in songbirds
  • S25-2 : Discovery and evolutionary history of gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (GnIH), a new key neuropeptide controlling reproduction

Uchino, Keiro

  • S26-2 : A single sex pheromone receptor determines chemical response specificity of sexual behavior in the silkmoth Bombyx mori

Uchiyama, Minoru

  • P093 : Ghrelin receptor in two species of anuran amphibians
  • P100 : PACAP affects somatolactin-α and -β gene expression in cultured goldfish pituitary cells
  • P160 : Effect of environmental change on the expression of urea cycle enzymes and nitrogen transporters in the amphibious fish
  • P169 : Central administration of Ang II and vasotocin, and changes in body fluid stimulate c-fos expression in the treefrog brain

Uda, Kouji

  • P049 : Multiple phosphagen kinases from the cnidarian Nematostella vectensis.

Uehara, Takuya

  • P126 : Wavelength-dependent phototactic behavior in the brown-winged green bug, Plautia stali.

Ueno, Ryusuke

  • P145 : Winner effect and serotonin on the formation of crayfish dominance hierarchy

Uesugi, Kentaro

  • P083 : X-ray micro-tomography for observation of three-dimensional structure of the zebrafish brain with single cell resolution

Uezono, Shiori

  • P082 : A study on the general visceral sensory and motor systems in fish

Ukena, Kazuyoshi

  • S25-2 : Discovery and evolutionary history of gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (GnIH), a new key neuropeptide controlling reproduction

Ulrich, Anne S.

  • S32-1 : Membrane bilayer-mediated clustering and functional interaction of MscL, the mechanosensitive channels of large conductance from E. coli

Umezawa, Takahiro

  • P166 : Ion transporters involved in excretion of Ca2+ , SO42- , B(OH)4- , and Mg2+ by seawater fish

Ureshi, Masakatsu

  • P147 : The demand for amino acids by adult male cricket (Gryllus bimaculatus).

Urushizaki, Akira

  • P080 : Sexually dimorphic projection patterns of gustatory neurons in Drosophila forelegs

Uryu, Outa

  • P175 : Post-embryonic development of the circadian rhythms outside the optic lobe in the cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus

Usui, Shiro

  • P152 : Introduction to the Invertebrate Brain Platform (IVB-PF)
  • P185 : A proton-mediated negative feedback effect on response dynamics of H1 and H2 horizontal cells
  • P186 : Mechanisms of proton negative feedback of H3 type horizontal cells in fish retina


Val, Adalberto Luis

  • S31-1 : Transcriptomic studies in aquatic organisms of the Amazon: current status
  • S31-5 : Amazon fish LDH as model for studies of temperature adaptations

Vannini, Laura

  • S10-2 : Using RNA interference in analyzing the role of juvenile hormone in insect reproduction

Vaudry, Hubert

  • S25-1 : Identification and functional characterization of novel neuropeptides: from frogs to humans
  • S25-2 : Discovery and evolutionary history of gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (GnIH), a new key neuropeptide controlling reproduction
  • S25-3 : Molecular co-evolution of kisspeptins and GPR54s
  • S30-2 : Behavioral effect of octadecaneuropeptide and neuropeptide Y related to feeding regulation in goldfish

Veinot, Jonathan G.C.

  • P170 : Silver nanoparticles inhibit gill sodium transport in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).

Venkatesh, Byrappa

  • P103 : Existence of multiple receptors for neurohypophysial hormones in cartilaginous fish.

Verschure, Paul

  • S26-4 : The usage of forward models in dynamic landmark navigation: from insects to robotic mapless autonomous navigators

Vo, Tam K.

  • S35-3 : Structural and functional diversity of the complement system, an innate immune factor, in fish


Wakakuwa, Motohiro

  • P056 : Eye regionalization and opsin gene duplication in butterflies: the dorsal region retains basic arrangement

Walker, Nathan S.B.

  • S8-5 : Conflicts and compromises: TMAO as an osmolyte and chemical chaperone in dogfish red blood cells experiencing environmental stress

Walsh, Pat

  • P163 : How the Dogfish Shark Copes with High Environmental Ammonia

Walsh, Jonathon

  • S1-3 : Characterization of aquaporin 8 isoform expression in eel (Anguilla sp.) intestine

Walsh, PJ

  • S6-1 : New insights into nitrogen excretion at the gulf toadfish gill: The role of Rh glycoproteins

Wang, Tobias

  • S14-3 : Respiratory challenges in digesting reptiles
  • S5-4 : Control of shunting versus control of breathing

Wang, Yijin

  • P110 : Time to egg-laying: A new model of time-based memory in Drosophila

Wang, Yi-Fang

  • P157 : The regulatory redundancy of Na+ absorption in zebrafish
  • P164 : A Cl- channel, CLC2b, is involved in Cl- uptake mechanism in zebrafish

Wapstra, Erik

  • P062 : Maternal carotenoid intake during gestation affects innate immune response of offspring in a matrotrophic viviparous reptile

Warrant, Eric

  • S23-1 : Signal, noise and information in the photoreceptors of a nocturnal bee

Watanabe, Kei

  • P022 : Visual detection of moving objects during walking in crickets

Watanabe, Gen

  • P098 : Secretory Pattern of Inhibin during Estrous Cycle and Pregnancy in African (Loxodonta africana) and Asian (Elephas maximus) elephants
  • P119 : The characteristics of Hatano high- and low-avoidance rats as a model for developmental disorder

Watanabe, Hajime

  • S10-6 : Development of an RNA interference method in the cladoceran crustacean Daphnia magna

Watanabe, Hidehiro

  • P190 : Odor-induced spatio-temporal activity patterns of synchronized potentials mediated by local interneurons in the cockroach antennal lobe
  • Y1001 : Neural basis of general odor processing in the cockroach antennal lobe

Watanabe, Takayuki

  • P123 : Identification and expression analysis of the biogenic amine-related genes in the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus

Watanabe, Taro

  • P165 : Environmental factors responsible for switching on renal SO42- regulatory systems in seawater eels

Watts, Anthony

  • S32-1 : Membrane bilayer-mediated clustering and functional interaction of MscL, the mechanosensitive channels of large conductance from E. coli

Weber, Roy E.

  • PL-5 : Hemoglobin - Adaptations to environmental and metabolic constraints, with special reference to temperature as modulating effector
  • S14-2 : High-altitude adaptation in Andean frog hemoglobin-O2 binding. Enthalpic consequence of reduced chloride sensitivity
  • S14-5 : Altitudinal differentiation in hemoglobin function in birds and small mammals

Wen, Shengyun

  • P120 : The Novel Long non-coding RNA nc97 regulates Drosophila Locomotion

Whaling, Patrick J.

  • P008 : Living on the edge: physiological compensation for environmental acidification is limited in the deep-sea urchin Allocentrotus fragilis

Wicher, Dieter

  • S33-5 : Neural circuits underlying olfactory coding in the Drosophila antennal lobe

Wieczorek, Monika

  • S16-1 : Natural selection on body mass and metabolic rates in root voles, Microtus oeconomus

Wilder, Marcy N.

  • P107 : Localization of an insulin-like androgenic gland factor (IAG) in the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii

Willis, Mark

  • S26-1 : Environment, Locomotion and Sensor Structure Interact to Structure Odor-tracking Behavior.

Wingfield, John C.

  • P088 : RNA interference of gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone gene induces arousal in songbirds

Witzel, Ulrich

  • S12-4 : Breathing and Thermoregulation in Sauropod Dinosaurs: Size Matters

Wong, Marty Kwok-Shing

  • P104 : Unique structure and function of lamprey angiotensin II suggest a separate path of renin-angiotensin system evolution

Wong, Marty

  • S25-5 : Reverse phylogenetic approach to discovery of novel adrenomedullins in mammals

Wood, C.M.

  • S6-2 : New insights into gill epithelial transport: Linking ammonia excretion and sodium uptake

Wood, Chris M.

  • P163 : How the Dogfish Shark Copes with High Environmental Ammonia
  • S8-1 : Osmoregulation and Digestion

Wouthuyzen, Sam

  • P014 : Tolerance to brackish and fresh water bodies as habitat in oceanic sea skaters of Halobates (Heteroptera: Gerridae)

Wright, P.A.

  • S6-2 : New insights into gill epithelial transport: Linking ammonia excretion and sodium uptake



Yabu, Takeshi

  • S35-4 : Diversified isotypes of immune-related genes in teleost

Yagi, Mitsuharu

  • P195 : Prey-predator interactions derived from energy metabolism: reconsideration of ontogenetic metabolic scaling

Yahashi, Satowa

  • S30-2 : Behavioral effect of octadecaneuropeptide and neuropeptide Y related to feeding regulation in goldfish

Yamada, Masahiro

  • P185 : A proton-mediated negative feedback effect on response dynamics of H1 and H2 horizontal cells
  • P186 : Mechanisms of proton negative feedback of H3 type horizontal cells in fish retina

Yamaguchi, Noriko

  • P147 : The demand for amino acids by adult male cricket (Gryllus bimaculatus).

Yamaguchi, Shinji

  • P139 : Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNP)/TrkB signaling is activated through filial imprinting in domestic chicks (Gallus gallus domesticus)

Yamaguchi, Terumi

  • P126 : Wavelength-dependent phototactic behavior in the brown-winged green bug, Plautia stali.

Yamaguchi, Toshiyasu

  • P005 : Heat shock-induced oxidative stress modulates growth-related gene expressions and redox status in coho salmon

Yamamoto, Daisuke

  • P080 : Sexually dimorphic projection patterns of gustatory neurons in Drosophila forelegs

Yamamoto, Kazunori

  • P185 : A proton-mediated negative feedback effect on response dynamics of H1 and H2 horizontal cells
  • P186 : Mechanisms of proton negative feedback of H3 type horizontal cells in fish retina

Yamano, Keisuke

  • P107 : Localization of an insulin-like androgenic gland factor (IAG) in the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii
  • S24-1 : Spawning behaviors induced by neurosecretory hormones in echinoderms

Yamamoto, Naoyuki

  • P171 : Opsin 5 as a deep brain photoreceptive molecule to regulate seasonal reproduction.

Yamaguchi, Yoko

  • S1-5 : Identification and mapping of urea- and ion-transporting molecules in the kidney of cartilaginous fish

Yamamoto, Kimiko

  • P048 : Molecular machinery for the delivery of specific carotenoids to specific tissues in silkworm

Yamamoto, T.

  • P098 : Secretory Pattern of Inhibin during Estrous Cycle and Pregnancy in African (Loxodonta africana) and Asian (Elephas maximus) elephants

Yamamoto, Y.

  • P098 : Secretory Pattern of Inhibin during Estrous Cycle and Pregnancy in African (Loxodonta africana) and Asian (Elephas maximus) elephants

Yamasaki, Hideki

  • S30-3 : Aggressive behavior and TTX in puffer fish

Yamauchi, Kiyoshi

  • P058 : Comparison of the feature in genome rearrangement of Paramecium with that of the other organisms
  • P095 : A genome-wide expression analysis revealed the effects of hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls on the thyroid hormone function in metamorphosing African clawed toad Xenopus laevis.
  • P096 : Modulation of the extracellular distribution, cellular uptake, and cellular action of phenolic compounds with thyroid hormone disrupting activity by serum proteins

Yamawaki, Yoshifumi

  • P129 : Responses of looming-sensitive neurons in the lobula complex of the mantis brain

Yamazaki, Toshimasa

  • S28-5 : Structural Analysis of Hemolymph Juvenile Hormone Binding Protein of Silkworm, Bombyx mori

Yang, Wen-Kai

  • P154 : Identification of FXYD protein genes in two euryhaline medaka: tissue-specific expression and responses to salinity challenge

YAO, Qiong

  • S10-5 : RNAi studies in insects in China

Yasuno, Hanae

  • P025 : Neural control of the pulsating vessels in the earthworm, Metaphier sp.

Yatabe, Mako

  • P070 : Nerve ring of cnidarians: Is it a CNS(central nervous system)-like neuronal structure?
  • S34-1 : Origin and evolution of the nervous system viewed from the diffuse nervous system: Nerve ring of cnidarians

Ymaguchi, Yoko

  • P103 : Existence of multiple receptors for neurohypophysial hormones in cartilaginous fish.

Yokogoshi, Hidehiko

  • P140 : Effects of various stresses on Behavior and Intracerebral Monoamine Contents in Chicks

Yokohari, Fumio

  • P190 : Odor-induced spatio-temporal activity patterns of synchronized potentials mediated by local interneurons in the cockroach antennal lobe
  • S26-2 : A single sex pheromone receptor determines chemical response specificity of sexual behavior in the silkmoth Bombyx mori
  • Y1-1 : Neural basis of general odor processing in the cockroach antennal lobe

Yokoi, Saori

  • S27-4 : Neural basis underlying female mating preference in medaka fish

Yoshida, Masa-aki

  • P057 : Identification of novel Pax-6 splicing variants in squids and its relevance to camera eye development of the cephalopods
  • P116 : Activities of cerebellar Purkinje cells during classical fear conditioning in goldfish

Yoshida, Ryusuke

  • P187 : Expression analysis of G protein alpha subunits in mouse taste cells responsible for sweet and umami taste.

Yoshida, Shosei

  • P171 : Opsin 5 as a deep brain photoreceptive molecule to regulate seasonal reproduction.
  • P172 : Mechanism of seasonal testicular regression in quail

Yoshikuni, Michiyasu

  • S24-1 : Spawning behaviors induced by neurosecretory hormones in echinoderms

Yoshimi, Hideaki

  • P068 : Isolation and characterization of mastigonemes and contractile cytoplasm from a gliding euglenoid flagellate Peranema trichophorum

Yoshimura, Keiji

  • P084 : Effects of fasting on AQP9 expression in the chick brain

Yoshimura, Keiji

  • P168 : Muscular dystrophic chicken is the hypernatremia

Yoshimura, Takashi

  • P171 : Opsin 5 as a deep brain photoreceptive molecule to regulate seasonal reproduction.
  • P172 : Mechanism of seasonal testicular regression in quail
  • S22-4 : Mechanisms regulating seasonal reproduction in vertebrates

Yoshinaga, Mariko

  • P051 : Exercise downregulates mTORC1 pathway through REDD1 expression in rat skeletal muscle

Yoshitane, Hikari

  • P177 : Mediobasal hypothalamus transmits the time of feeding to locomotor activity

Yoshizawa, Hideki

  • P160 : Effect of environmental change on the expression of urea cycle enzymes and nitrogen transporters in the amphibious fish

Yuasa, Masashi

  • P048 : Molecular machinery for the delivery of specific carotenoids to specific tissues in silkworm

Yuki, Osumi

  • P002 : How does weather affect the resistance to temperature change and also components of saturated/unsaturated fatty acids in the oceanic sea skaters, Halobates?

Yuto, N.

  • P098 : Secretory Pattern of Inhibin during Estrous Cycle and Pregnancy in African (Loxodonta africana) and Asian (Elephas maximus) elephants


ZHANG, Wenqing

  • S10-5 : RNAi studies in insects in China

Zhang, Long

  • S29-2 : Cellular and molecular mechanisms on olfaction of locust (Insecta, Orthoptera: Locusta migratoria)

Zhou, Yanqiong

  • S33-4 : Two pairs of neurons control Drosophila larval light preference

Zhukova, Natalia V.

  • S4-3 : Unusual Fatty Acid Composition of Marine Nudibranch Mollusks:Mirror of Feeding and Bacterial Symbiosis

Zub, Karol

  • S16-1 : Natural selection on body mass and metabolic rates in root voles, Microtus oeconomus

Zwirska-Korczala, Krystyna

  • P046 : The influence of cisplatin combined with extremely low- frequency electromagnetic field on antioxidative enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation in megacolonies of squamous cell carcinoma